Chapter Ten

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Oh my flacking gobstoppers! My tenth chapter! I couldn't have done this without you all so thank you for your support and your help. I know you guys are gonna get mad, because there are only ten chapters, but I promise there will be a sequal. I PROMISE, DO YOU HEAR ME?!?!?!?! This chapter is dedicated to TellTaleHeart because she is an awesome author and deserves it. Read on, my carrots!

Sylvia's POV
What to say what to say... I thought to myself, picking up my cell phone. I dialed my mums number and silently waited for her to pick up. She did and I could hear the smile in her voice. "Hey sweetie! How's my girl?" She asked, her British accent reminding me of home. "I've been better." I huff moodily. I hear silence. "Mummy, I'm in the hospital." I say quietly. She stays silent for a moment more. "Why?" she says simply. "Because, Mum, I have brain cancer. Astrocytoma to be exact. But don't worry about me mum, I'll be fine. Just have fun on your trip. Love you. Bye." and I hung up. Then the doctor came in. "Sylvia Locke?" He asked nochalaunty. "Yessss?" I said suspiciously. "If you have any friends and family you want here for your surgery, I suggest you call them now. It's set for an hour from now." He said and walked out. I quickly grabbed my phone and texted Niall.
'From: Silver Rose
To: Niall River
Get your arse back here, I go into surgery in an hour.'
I know that was so subtle. But hey, if it works it works.

Niall comes booking into the room five minutes before I'm supposed to go into surgery. The doctor is starting to dope me up when he comes panting in. I grin goofily at him and sigh. "You the only one that came to see the circus?" I ask, my words slurring as the anestisia medicine kicks in. He sighs and shakes his head. "The rest are in the waiting room. You feel okay Sylvie?" He asks as i rub his head. "Your head is all smooth and shiny." I giggle. He snorts and takes my hand, kissing my fingertips one last time before the doctor asks him to leave. I hand him a folded peice of paper. "G'bye Niall." I whisper as I drift into the oblivion of anestitized sleep.

Niall's POV
I sit in the waiting room for what feels like years, my hans clenched, my eyes narrowed at the ground. I feel numb, clutching the peice of paper Sylvia gave me tightly. It said it wasn't supposed to be opened until after her surgery was over. So I waited. I prayed. I hoped. I glanced at the clock every now and then, but time seemed to stand still. A surgeon comes out from the direction Sylvia went, but he walks past us to another waiting family. I groan and begin pacing to pass the time. I walk over to Harry and give him a hug because he's about to break the chair he's sitting in.
Finally, a surgeon comes out and walkes over to us. He takes a deep breath and looks me straight in the eye. "The tumor was farther along than we thought. It had completely grown into the side of her brain. We did all we could, but..." he paused. "We are terribly sorry. You're friend didn't make it through the surgery." I don't remember anything from there.

When I woke up I was at home in bed. I pulled the note from the bedside table and opened it. On it was my sweet Sylvia's messy writing. Tears began to blur my eyes when I read what she had written.

If you're reading this and I made it through the surgery, then you might as well put this down. If not, well then sucks for me. I love you Niall. You were my first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first love. If I've gone up to heaven, then remember I will be watching over you always. Close your eyes when you finish this and listen real hard. Remember my voice Niall, and remember how I looke when you first met me, not how I looked in that hospital bed. But more than anything, move on. Life is a gift, don't waste it on greiving for me. Remember me, but find another girl and love her. Give her everything you've got, and remember I'll be waiting by those pearly gates. But live before you come up to meet me. I have a favor to ask of you. Go to the London Eye at night for me, and take a picture of the view. Burn it, will you, and keep it with my ashes. I want creamated, and I know this may sound strange but I want you to keep me, not my parents. Please Niall? For me? I will always love you, no matter how far away I am. And I'll aways be with you, right where I belong. In your heart. Bye my rose without thorns.

I held the letter to my chest and cried like I'd never cried before.


It's been three months since Sylvia's death. Her ashes and the ashes of the picture I took for her sit in an urn by my bed. I have yet to find someone that truely captures my heart like she did, but I continue to talk to Gina, and we have become much closer since she lost her boyfriend. We grow stronger on eachother, and the boys have been a fenominal help. And when I do get sad again about Sylvia, I remember she's not in pain anymore, and I know that one day we'll be together again, and my silver rose will be by my side once more.

DONE! FINITAY!!! I HAVE FINISHED IT!!!! I'll start the sequel soon but first I need a break. Love you guys! G'bye!

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