Chapter Seven

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  • Dedicated to All my best friends, because without them I would've been gone a long time ago.

Hallo my carrots. Lets see who acctually reads the authors note... first person to comment the word "bacon" gets a character in my story. Yes, Izzy, I know I need to plunk yours in here, don't worry, I'll try to fit her in this chapter. Anyway, here's chapter seven!


Sylvia's POV

I stepped out of Niall's car and hugged him. He laughed, and the sound rumbled deeply in his chest. I love his laugh. I took his hand and we walked inside. I kissed him on the cheek and headed toward the bathroom to take a shower. And um, other stuff too. I closed and locked the door behind me so Niall wouldn't accidentally walk in on me. I stripped down to my underwear and examined the growing black bruise on my left hip. It spread all the way to under my bra now. I shook my head and finished stripping, jumping in the shower. I turned on the water and squeeled. I heard  Niall laugh from in the other room. "TURN THE HOT WATER BACK ON RIGHT NOW NIALL!!!!"  I heard him snicker, and the hot water came back on. I shook my head and shampooed my hair. I lathered and rinsed for the last time for a while. I washed the rest of me and jumped out. I wrapped myself in my towel and walked into the room where my suitcase was, since Harry had repacked it and brought it over to Niall's during my chemo last night. I grabbed a pair of bluejeans and a grey cardigan. I went back into the bathroom.

I relocked it. I looked around and found a pair of clippers. I turned them on and took a deep breath. I started cutting off my hair. I heard Niall come running. "What are you doing?!?!?" He shouted through the door. I ignored him, letting the tears roll down my cheeks as I cut off my hair.


When I was done, I took all of my hair and put it in the trash can. I rubbed baldness on what used to be a head covered with black locks that I had never appreciated until now. I walked out and sat on the bed Niall had given me. He came in, took one look at me, and wrapped his arms around me. I looked up and realized I never wanted to lose him.

Niall's POV

I couldn't believe Sylvia had cut off her hair. She was still beautiful. Just, I didn't think she would have the strength to do that. I wrapped her in my arms, after I saw the broken look on her face. She whimpered and buried her face in my shirt. I sighed. "Oh, Sylvia, what'de you cat your hair off for?" I asked. She sniffled and looked up. "I knew I was gonna lose my hair, so I decided I wouldn't wait for it to fall out, I'd just cut it off now. I didn't want you to see me half-bald." She choked on the last word of the sentence and buried her face in my shirt. I rested my cheek against her head and felt only skin. It reminded me of that one Rascal Flatts song, about the girl with cancer going to prom with her dream guy who shaved his head for her. I began to think. I would do that for her.

I waited till she fell asleep in my arms, then gently lay her on the bed. She wiggled into a more comfortable position and I covered her in a blanket. She sighed and lay still, so I went into the bathroom and closed the door quietly. I grabbed the clippers she had dropped and turned them on. I took a deep breath and started to shave my head till only a small amount of stubble remained. Then I took a razor and shaved that off. I was now completely bald. I wonder what the guys will say...

Sylvia's POV

I woke up and I couldn't find Niall. I looked everywhere in the house. I had checked the kitchen, his bedroom, the living room... then I remembered he had a bathroom. Of course he did, God I'm stupid sometimes. I ran up to the door and knocked three times. When I got no answer I threw the door open to find Niall standing in front of the mirror checking out his head. His BALD head. He whipped around and I clapped my hands over my mouth. He had shaved his head. "W-why?" I stammered. He looked at me with such tenderness that I ran into his arms instead of away like I wanted to. He pressed his cheek to my head. "Because you did." he murmered, and that got me crying again. He had shaved his head for me. I felt wetness running down my face, other than the tears. I put my had to my face and saw red when I pulled my fingers away. Blood... thats the last thing I remember...

Niall's POV

Sylvie went limp in my arms, and when I pulled her back, her eyes were shut and blood was running down her face. I gasped and shook her gently, and her head rolled on her shoulders. She wasn't moving, and she wasn't responding to anything. Not only that, but the amount of blood running down her face had doubled in the time I had been shaking her. "Oh my God, Sylvia, just hold on, I'll get you to a hospital, just hold on..." I carried her to the car and lay her in the backseat. I got in my side and stepped on the gas. I was at the hospital in five seconds flat. "Somebody, we need a doctor." I called and a nurse walked up. She glared at me. "Does a nosebleed really warrent a trip to the hospital?" she asked in a clipped tone. "No, but the fact that she is a brain cancer patient and she passed out in my arms five minutes ago does." I snapped, and she gasped. She ran off, and a stretcher came up. I put Sylvia on it. The dude nodded and took her to one of the rooms. They started to work on her frantically, and I was pushed out of the room.


I sat down on the floor outside her room and let my head fall to my hands. I pulled out my cell phone slowly and dialed Harry's cell. "Yeah?" he said on answering. "Harry, it's Niall. Sylvia is in the hospital." I said urgently. He dropped the phone, so I guessed, since I heard a thunk and then Harry scrambling to pick it back up. "What? Why?" He said breathlessly, as though he might faint. I was numb. "She was at my house and she shaved her head, then... well, she had another nosebleed and passed out. I don't know what's wrong, the doctors havn't come out yet." I said quickly. Harry was silent for a moment. "I'll call the other boys, we'll be there in 10 minutes." he said, hanging up. I sat there in the hallway until they arrived. They nearly fainted at the sight of me, crying, bald, and sitting on the floor outside Sylvie's hospital room. Harry stuck out his hand and helped me up. "Bald, huh?" he asked, looking amused. "I did it because Sylvie did. To support her." I explained. Harry nodded, and I saw the look on his face. I knew that look. "You're gonna do it too, aren't you." I asked. Harry nodded, and I saw him look at the rest of the band. I saw the same look on their faces. They all were. Zayn whistfully ran his hand through his brown hair. Thats how I knew he was cutting it off. I stood up and tackled them all in a giant group hug.

Liam's POV

I felt an extreme rush of affection to Niall for shaving his head for a girl with cancer. He wouldn't do that for just any girl, so he must really like her. I had to give it to her, she was cute. I loved that Niall would do that for her. I sat in the chair and waited, while the boys took turns going home and shaving their heads. Zayn had gone first, then Harry, then Louis. So I was up next. Louis was still gone, so there were three bald guys sitting in the waiting room. I was dreading Louis coming back. When he did though, true to my word, I went home and shaved my head bald.


Hope you liked it! There you go! Sorry bout the late update, talk about piles of homework. Anyway, TA DA!!!

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