But What Does It Take To Heal (2)

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Warnings: Swearing, More Angst



Y/n wasn't sure how long she spent trying to will him back to sleep, but she stayed. She wasn't sure why, but there she sat with Harry, whispering soothing words and reassurances into his ear and sometimes even combing her hands through his hair with such tenderness that she didn't know she could provide for him. His grip on her eventually loosens and he was soon breathing softly in her ear, clearly back in the peaceful part of dreamland again, the creases on his forehead finally relenting.

She lays him back down on his bed and promptly walked towards her own bunker, trying to desperately dismiss the events of the night. But questions remained in her mind. Questions that made her doubt her resentful feelings towards the boy she just willed to sleep.


"Which plant are you handling now?" Ron asked as he stood next to the shrub that Y/n is kneeled next to.

"Aconite." She simply answered, carefully gathering some flowers.

"It's pretty,"

"– And poisonous,"

"C'mon, it can't be that – Ow!" Ron flinched and moved his hand back after Y/n hits him with her wand.

"Do not touch those! The leaves are highly toxic and we can't have you getting accidentally poisoned!" She chided.

"Okay! Merlin's beard, that hurt!" He whined almost pathetically.

From beside him, Granger sighed in annoyance before pulling him away from the healer.

"What're you going to use those on if it's so toxic anyway?"

Y/n responded after stashing away a decent amount of the plant's flowers and roots, "Well, for one, it's an ingredient for the Wideye Potion," she started before standing up and brushing at her knees.

"Two, should it ever be a requirement, it is a prominent ingredient of the Wolfsbane Potion."

Harry visibly stiffened from where he was sorting through the items that they gathered at the mention of the potion.

"Or three, she could use those leaves on our tea and kill us secretly." He grumbled.

The atmosphere changed almost immediately as soon as he said that and tension loomed over them all. It was tense, awkward and every adjective in the dictionary that may fit this exact moment that causes discomfort.

"Mate," Ron tried interjecting but was just brushed off.

It had been a few days since the night terror incident and based on his actions, Potter obviously showed no recollection of it despite the fact that it happened again within those few days.

Or he probably would've been a little bit nicer.


Having had quite enough of his shit, Y/n met his eyes in challenge for the first time. Well, at least since 5th year.

She was silent, but it was obvious that her gaze was daring him to keep talking. And it was intimidating, to say the least. Almost scary. What's worse is that everyone knew she wasn't throwing empty threats.

Right as the other two braced themselves for the worst, Y/n sighed and dropped her glare making both Ron and Hermione release a breath of relief.

The healer only turned her back on Harry before speaking.

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