The Pain Of Watching You Watch Her 1

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Genre: Drama/Romance

Warnings: Snogging

In his eyes, Ginny is the only girl in the world. Or at least that's what
Y/n thought. Nevertheless, Harry is the only man she'll ever love.

Year: 6th Year

Edited /

Original Date Published: 2nd of June, 2019

━━━━━━━━》❈《 ━━━━━━━

Y/n sat with Hermione as she stared at the couple in front of them, snogging and laughing.

'Why does it have to be like this?' she asked herself.

Something in her chest feels heavy. Painful. It hurts so bad seeing the one she loves, happy and content with somebody else.

'But I suppose it's better this way. As long as he's happy, I won't be in their way.'

Her eyes lock with his green irises and he waves at her a bit, to which she returned slightly while offering a small smile.

A sad smile. But he doesn't have to know that.

Ginevra followed his gaze and the wide grin that she had in her face wore off when her eyes fell on Y/n's form. She gazes at her and Harry back and forth a few times before turning Harry's face towards her, claiming his lips in a possessive way.

The Chosen One didn't fight it. And instead, returned the passionate kisses from his girlfriend, much to the Y/n's pain.

Y/n squeezed her eyes shut, trying to forget the image and turned her head in the other direction.

The pain in her chest increases at the sight and she fought her hardest to keep the tears at bay.

Until she couldn't take it anymore and hugged an also sulking Hermione to hide her tears.

The bright witch held onto her arms while blankly staring at Ron and Lavender, whom Ron had invited to the Burrow with them.

Hermione's eyes are purely unemotional as she stared at the redhead, snogging their housemate as usual.

"It hurts, 'Mione," Y/n whispered to prevent any whimpers from escaping her mouth.

"I know." Hermione answers before sniffling.

Y/n hugged her tighter as she finally broke down and started sobbing in her arms.

"What's the problem?" Harry's voice had asked, indicating that he and Ginevra had walked over to where they are.

She silently gestured over to Ron and Lavender and he says 'oh' quietly.

He was one of the few people who knows about Hermione's feelings towards their friend.

Ginevra walks off to Godric knows where (which Y/n frankly didn't give a damn about) as Harry sits next to them.

"You don't look to well either," he stated.

Assuming her lack of response had piqued his interest, he takes Y/n's left hand that was resting on Hermione's back and slipped a piece of paper inside before walking off to probably find his girlfriend.

She discreetly unfolded the parchment and read the words.

"Room of Requirements. 8:00. Be there. Please." ~Harry

Y/n bit her bottom lip and sighed, crumbling the note in her hand.

━━━━━━━━》❈《 ━━━━━━━

That night, after dinner, Y/n had successfully sneaked out of her dorm and the Gryffindor Common Room without anyone noticing, making her journey to the RoR stealthily.

Once inside, she quickly casted a Tempus, making sure that she was precisely on time before deciding to take a seat on one of the couches that the room had provided.

A few minutes of waiting, the door opens and in comes Harry, panting and sweating.

"Sorry I'm late. It wasn't easy trying to sneak past Ginny." he reasoned as he also took a seat beside Y/n.

She merely waved him off, sitting formally. Too formally for Harry's liking.

Y/n cleared her throat before speaking.

"So...pushing aside the fact that you arrived late at a meeting that you yourself had arranged and that you came in looking like some Marathon runner, why did you ask to meet me here? We could have talked in the Common Room." she said in an almost monotonous voice.

Harry had stayed silent for a moment, presumably having trouble to provide or to present his reason for summoning her presence.

She was about to speak up but he beat her to the punch by asking a question.

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Acting like what? Care to elaborate?" she said in a slightly different tone that resembled annoyance.

"Let me rephrase that. I mean why are you being so...distant?"

"I am not being distant."

"Yes you are. You have been for the last few months. Don't deny it."

"I am not. It wouldn't be appropriate to be so close to you like I was back then. It simply must not be as it would disrespect not only your relationship but also your girlfriend. You don't expect she'd be too happy if she sees me suddenly hugging you and kissing your cheek now, do you?" Y/n explained, breathing in deeply after so she wouldn't break down on the painful subject of Harry being in love with someone else.

"It won't be disrespectful at all!"

"Yes, it would be! We were very close. Too close for comfort as a lot of people would say. Why else do you think people kept insisting that we're secretly a couple?" Y/n argued.

Harry wiped the sweat on his forehead, "I don't care about other people! And Ginny, she knows we're best friends! She won't make an issue of our friendship!" he protested.

Y/n looked at him blankly.

"I'm afraid she already did, Harry. I disagree with you. Ginevra definitely minds our friendship. I'll let you hex me if you can prove me wrong," she stated with an empty looking eyes.

He shifted in his seat and ran a hand through his messy raven locks, clearly frustrated.

"I don't understand." he mumbles.

Y/n sighed.

She then scooted closer to him, resting her cheek on his back as he turned to the other direction.

"Harry, it's just not the same anymore," she spoke, softly this time, wrapping her arms around his torso.

She felt Harry relax in her touch as he caressed her arms that were circled around him.

"I'm happy for you and Ginevra. You love each other. You should be ready to sacrifice things for her."

"I am...but you're different. You're not something that I could just sacrifice so easily. You've been there for me before I even knew that Hogwarts existed. You're there for me when the Dursleys were getting too much. You're my best friend," he said.

Y/n squeezed her eyes shut, very pained to speak. She couldn't keep her facade anymore.

'A friend. That's all I'm going to be.' she thought.

"I CAN'T sacrifice you, Y/n. Not after my parents. Not after Sirius. Not EVER!" Harry said, turning around to face her.

He placed a hand on her cheek.

"I can't lose you too."

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