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Hello, polarbears! Please forgive me for such a long wait. The last few weeks have been hectic as school recently started again. I'll try to keep up with the rounds and results hopefully!


༻ Honorable Mention(s) ༺


i do like that you paid attention to the prompt and incorporated the snow into your entry

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i do like that you paid attention to the prompt and incorporated the snow into your entry. it was an important aspect of the prompt , however , i have a lot of dislikes about this entry as well . the text is not the best . the font could have been better and it doesn't seem like you did a lot of editing. i've seen the background picture on google and it comes with the male faceclaim. i wish that you did more editing and the text was better. you still did good but it needs some work.


honestly, this editing is amazing! you did well with making your graphic match the prompt

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honestly, this editing is amazing! you did well with making your graphic match the prompt. the cool toned color scheme is also perfect. if the text and font was better you probably would have made it higher in the results! i would recommend a more bold font and flip the text to be in the center of the cover. you still did wonderful though! keep up the good work.


i like the vibe of this cover

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i like the vibe of this cover . it's dark and mysterious and it fits well with the whole mafia description. you did well with matching your entry with the prompt. i also really like the font style! it's pretty and it goes well with what you already have. i would have liked to see more of snow incorporated into the cover . i also like the blue color scheme however , i don't like the blue overlay on the faceclaim. you did well though !

༻ Third Place༺


the first thing that i would like to say is that the text and font is amazing! i really like the style of the font, but i did notice that the text was overlapping some of the other text, for example the ' s ' and ' t ' in stay is overlapping slightly

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the first thing that i would like to say is that the text and font is amazing! i really like the style of the font, but i did notice that the text was overlapping some of the other text, for example the ' s ' and ' t ' in stay is overlapping slightly. however, it isn't something that really effected the cover. i liked the simplicity of it and i also like that you put the girl in an alleyway to resemble her being homeless along with the snow being added. you did really well and worked hard! good work!

༻ Second Place ༺


i really like this entry for many reasons! the color scheme is amazing! i like the purple, blue, and white colors throughout the graphic

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i really like this entry for many reasons! the color scheme is amazing! i like the purple, blue, and white colors throughout the graphic. it really suits the prompt's snowy side. i also like your choice of faceclaims! i think they do well as the main characters . i think my favorite part is probably the merging of images. some graphic designers can't pull off the merging of images without it making the graphic look messy . however you pulled it off very well. great job!

༻ First Place ༺


you never disappoint

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you never disappoint . i am literally in love with this entry . i couldn't stop looking at it for the first few days after receiving it. i really like how you did the text. i like that the ' r ' and ' n ' have a part where they are longer than the rest of it. i also like that the word ' to ' is inside of the letter ' o ' of reason and also the fact that the word ' stay ' is upside down . it looks very professional . as for the graphic itself. i love that the main male's face isn't fully visible and is blended well into the sky. i also like that the main female is holding hands with the little boy in the description of the prompt. you always go extra with the details and this is an example of it. not many designers would think to add the young boy , but you did. i really liked that. you fit the prompt perfectly with the characters and snow. you did a perfect job.

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