A little recommendation book for Taekook Fanfictions.
Iam only sharing my favourites here,
If you want more you can check my reading list.
I hope these recommendations will help you to find your cup of tae & kookies
❤️ Happy reading❤️
At first I used to read anything that have taekook in it, and kind of enjoyed it. But after reading this one my standard got really high.( So if you are a newbie read this after some time; it's just a person advice)
I felt like I was reading some best selling novel or something. It felt so realistic, that's what i liked the most. The way the author created nineteen vibe is perfect.
This has some heavy angst. You may cry (for sure), but let me tell you that's gonna worth. It took me one month to realise that, cuz that when my emotions are started to settle down. Then I realised, this is my forever favourite. Iam literally not able to forget this story.
If you already done reading this please share your thoughts, so that others get inspire from your comment.
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