You Give Me Butterflies (Delia x Billie x R)

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The sun caressed your skin and coaxed you awake under the gentle grip of daylight and the soft tickle of the breeze that danced through the open window.  Your eyes fluttered open to the sight of the supreme laying next to you, her hair fanned out like a halo and her arms wrapped around your waist, pressing your body to her skin. You shifted slightly,moving your body backwards, and frowned when you were met with empty space instead of the warm presence Billie usually exuded so you turned in Delia's arms to investigate.

Upon noticing the empty space at your side you unwound the arms you were gripped in and shuffled out of bed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You made your way down the stairs, stifling a yawn, and couldn't help the giggle that escaped when you heard Billie shuffling around, cursing under her breath when something was dropped on the hardwood floor. That giggle quickly turned into a cackle, though, when you turned the corner and caught sight of her still in her satin pyjamas with a pair of white bunny ears on her head.

She whipped around at the sound of you and dropped the eggs she had been clutching to her chest, abandoning them in favour of holding you instead.

"Hi bunny" you smirked and she wiped the smile off your face with the touch of her lips, only pulling back when you tried to deepen the kiss.

"What are you doing up baby, I wanted to surprise you," she frowned.

"I'm sorry, " you pouted mockingly, " I can help you surprise Delia though!"

She nodded then, taking your hands and escorting you further into the room.

"Looks like the easter bunny came to visit" she beamed, looking at you with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Why are there so many eggs?" you giggled like a child, infused with the excitement you used to feel on this day so many years ago.

"Well, I bought an egg for each of the girls, and of course these big ones are for you and Delia, then I got all these little ones for an egg hunt!" she exclaimed as your face lit up."

"She's gonna kill you for making so much mess."

"No she's gonna kiss me for making so much fun! You watch baby, she'll come around."

You hummed in doubt before moving to stack up the eggs on one side of the room for the girls to pick at when they woke up.

You both wandered out to the garden with a pile of little foil wrapped eggs and she dropped hers to the floor, prompting you to follow her movements.

"I'm gonna hide this half while you look away, okay? Then you do the same while I look away."

You nodded goofily, so excited to finally celebrate Easter the way you had been begging throughout your entire relationship with the two blondes.

When the eggs were successfully hidden, the two of you wandered back inside the house, "Billie can you take those silly ears off now?" you whined at her, secretly jealous she had only got herself a pair.

She lightly smacked your ass in response, "I thought you'd appreciate me getting in the spirit of things. "

"Well you left me out" you huffed, and with that she took them off her blonde locks and tied them around your chin, gifting you with a peck before she stepped back to admire you.

"They look much better on you babydoll"

"What are you two up to?" Cordelia asked from the doorway where she stood brushing a hand through her tousled hair.

"Delia!" You bounded over to her and crushed her in a hug that she happily returned. "Happy easter" you smiled.

"Happy easter baby bunny" she kissed your head before her gaze wandered to the mountain of eggs on the other side of the room.

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