I have seen the fields aflame (Delia x Billie x Ally x R)

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Darkness fell over you like a cloak when the sun set, leaving you wandering the streets alone, casting a shadow over the concrete pavement with each step back towards your domain.

The energy shifted around you, the subtle movement of a chess piece raising the stakes. Your eyes began to sting as the sulphur air seeped into your pores, poisoning your lungs with the threat you anticipated.

His grasp singed your skin where his calloused fingers met your arm and your body shook with the force of magic that rose to choke him to the ground, squeezing the life from him the way he planned to do to you.

The instinct of survival held you firmly and pressed your fingers together, igniting the force that drew his breaths from his burning chest, but the voice of your supreme beckoned you away from the edge, holding you in a gentle grasp as the grip your magic had began to ebb away, your breathing returning momentarily then fleeting once again when your feet pounded on the concrete below, reminiscent of the hammering of your heart as you struggled to escape your flirting with death.

The feeble strength of your own magic was suffocated by that of the supreme in the force field she held the academy in as you approached the front door, panting in a combination of physical exertion and anxiety. You stumbled into the hallway and as if fate wanted to punish you for your foolishness, you collapsed directly in the arms of one of your lovers, who gasped and pulled you to the floor with her.

Ally's breathing began to mimic your own as her chest heaved with anxiety, waving Oz away from where he watched in the doorway. Trembling hands cupped your flushed cheeks and her whisky eyes analysed your skin for any sign of maltreatment.
You fought for air but were met only with the bitter taste of fear as oxygen continued to escape your desperate grasp, teasing you in punishment.
Your mouth contorted in the form of the words you wanted to say, but no force came to push them out of your mouth. Frustrated tears stung as they left a path like lava down your cheek, igniting the porcelain flesh as they pooled on your clothes.
Oz returned to the hallway with two blondes behind him, the same expression of terror etched into each of their faces as they dropped to their knees.
Strangled gasps poured from your chapped lips and Billie cupped your chin, coaxing your mouth shut to conserve what little energy still resided in your aching bones.

Your eyes snapped up to meet the curly haired boy and they widened at the expression he held at watching this all unfold, so you forced your gaze to shift between ally and her son as quickly as you could, a burning sensation settling in your head at the exertion, though she understood and quickly stood to usher him out of the room and into Zoe's care.

Each touch to your skin caused you to recoil at the sensation, the sensitivity to their caress causing your body to sting as you writhed in their grip, three pairs of arms holding you still despite the way your insides were running rampage.

You drowned in the overstimulation of their touch and scrambled to escape, backing up against the wall with wide eyes as you fought to come back up for air. Ally tried to follow your movements, crawling the same path, before Cordelia held her in place, understanding your desperation.

She came to sit on the bottom step of the stairs, close to where you slouched, and held her palm out to you ready for when you came down from your terror-ignited high. She coaxed you towards her in a gentle plea spoken only by her glassy irises and you felt yourself sitting up, the anchor she had planted in you to stop you from drifting reeled you back into her touch, crawling between her legs and resting your head on her thigh. Her hand cradled your head, stroking your face and painting your flesh with the tears she smeared across your skin.

Her heart sung a lullaby to you as she whispered words of comfort and you nodded in acknowledgement of her sweet praise, gripping onto her legs to pull yourself up, closer into her grip, so she closed her legs and pulled you to sit on her lap cradling you and rocking from side to side like the boat that floated on the stormy sea of your distress.

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