Don't Mind the Gap -Chapter 4

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Hey Guys! Next chapter is here! Hope you like it. In this one we find out more about Oscar, and relationships are building! :) Hope you like!

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Pixiie! :)


Chapter 4 –Oscar’s POV

I felt so helpless. Deep down I knew that there was truth behind her story- I mean forces all over America have been trying to track down those two criminals. But I could see the doubt in her eyes, she never looked us in the eye when she told us what had happened before she was kidnapped so I can’t help feeling that she has missed something out. No one knew who she was, but apparently Aiden did. We asked her to think back for any signs as to why and how he knew her, but she just blanked the question all together. I don’t think she noticed the silent tear that trickled down her pale cheek, but I definitely did. After Sgt. Thompson passed me in the corridor after Flic kicked me out of her cell, I made my way back. I’ve been in the force for almost two years and Flic just doesn’t seem to fit in. Everyone who passes through those double doors handcuffed, seem to have that look in their eyes, guilt. Felicity’s was different. I’m not quite sure what it was but one thing was for sure, she was different.

                “Flic...?” I whispered, she was asleep and I didn’t want to wake her really. She needed her beauty sleep. She stirred a little, sighed and fell deeper into her dreamless sleep. I moved further into her cell, perching on the edge of her bed. I brushed the back of my hand over her cheek, she was rosier than last time I saw her. I brushed her loose blonde curls off her face, tucking them behind her ear. What am I doing? I thought, but it didn’t stop me. I trailed around the edge of her face, moving down her neck. She was still wearing the same clothes she came in, she refused to wear the jail uniform and to be honest I don’t blame her. My fingers slid over her silver chain around her neck, the heart locket was resting on her rising and falling chest. I knew better than to look, didn’t I? Pulling myself further on the bed to balance myself, I reached for it. My thumb traced along the engravings, it read For the Angel in our hearts... It intrigued me. I wanted to know more about the girl lying before me, and I guess I have all the time in the world to do so.

                “Huh?” she croaked after her well deserved nap. I attempted to snatch my hand away from her chest, but her hand clasped mine before I could. “What are you doing here?” she was grinning, so she wasn’t annoyed or giving me my cue to leave? I started to back off, forcing her to release my hand, but she wasn’t having any of it. She just pulled us closer, I felt both of our breaths quicken. “You’re leaving so soon? I thought maybe we should get to know each other, I mean it’s not as if I’m going anywhere soon!” she chuckled, had she forgotten that she’s going on trial for murder in a couple of months? I just smiled. I really wanted to go home to Lilly, but something stopped me. For some reason I didn’t want to know what she was going to tell me. I saw her staring at the silver band on my wedding finger, realisation came to her face.

                “You’re married?” she asked shocked, I don’t know why? Most people were married at my age. I just nodded and stood up.

                “I have to go home. It was my day off today.” I turned to leave, rolling my eyes.

                “Well I’m glad you came in!” Flic said flirting; I just laughed surprised by how unfazed she was by the fact I was married and she was in jail, and walked back to my car.

                It was 10:30 by the time I got back home; all the lights were switched off apart from the bathroom. I walked to the door and raised my fist to knock on the door. But before I could I heard the noise that made me shake. She was throwing up in there, so I banged on the door and shouted.

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