Don't Mind the Gap -Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Imogen O'Malley

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Chapter 5 –Felicity’s POV

Ok, so the only reason I asked him was because, I admit, I was jealous. I don’t quite know why yet, but I wanted to find out more about his wife. How come she deserved someone loving like him, whilst I was stuck here surrounded by rapists and murderers? I mean, how long had they known each other? Was there still chance for any of us lot? Ha, what am I thinking? I’m behind bars, you foolish girl. Stop day dreaming and bring yourself into reality Flick. Oops, he was speaking...

                “... high school.” Ok, so I guess they’ve known each other long then! “We were prom King and Queen of 2002. Oh, she was stunning. She still is of course, but wow. I had never thought about her as more than a friend before that night. I asked her to marry me last year, and now here we are. Both of us 26, stable jobs, luckily ‘coz we need all the money now with the baby...” Wait, What!? He was having a baby? It wasn’t until he stopped that I realised I had said that out loud. He just frowned at me, before he realised that after one month of us getting to know each other really well, he had not once mentioned that there was a ‘mini Taylor’ on the way. “Haven’t I told you?” he said puzzling, “Oh, yea she had her scan yesterday, umm...” he reached into his back pocket a retrieved a leather wallet. Flipping it open he passed it to me. “That’s Lilly and her baby bump,” wow, she was gorgeous, her blonde hair was cut short into a bob, highlighting her cheeks, her hands were resting on a small bulge that was just about visible through her flowing summer vest top. “And those,” he pointed to a black and white photo next to her, “are the twins, both girls. They’re going to be a lot of hassle, but it’ll be worth it.” he grinned proudly. The edge of is smile reaching from ear to ear. He was happy, but why were there butterflies in my stomach. They weren’t the usual kind. No, this time they were dark and full of feelings I didn’t want to feel. Jealousy and loathe. I just turned on the bed so my back was facing him defiantly, waiting for him to disappear. After a while I think he got the message and left. I sighed staring out the barred windows; the sun was nearing the horizon and along with the long grumble in my stomach, I knew it was time I ate. Pulling myself off the safety of my bed, I shuffled to the bars, wrapping my hands around its cool metal; making me flinch. The guards instantly saw me, and started to walk to my cell. I was shaking like a leaf, I don't think he like me much. This time however, I was ready for him. I took a few steps back from the bar and waited for him to enter,

                “You want dinner, Flic?” he said, over the month of me working here I had learnt his name was Greg, he was also getting divorced and blamed his action on that. I hadn't ever come accross a man who hated me so much, he also gave me the mingiest portions, just because I was a girl.Today was no different,  he snarled and went to grab my face. I caught hold of his arm in my right hand and the other chopped behind his neck. He collapsed on my bed, me straddling on top of him.

                “Do you want to try that again, huh?” I whispered making sure no one could hear us. Scratching my finger nails along the side of his cheeks, I heard him yelp. Ha, that’ll teach him. I was just about to give him more when I felt something take hold of my shoulder, pulling me back off Greg. Giving a small screech, I turned to face whoever was behind me. At first I noticed his piercing eyes, full of disbelief. He raised his eyebrow, his hand still on my shoulder. Then, without even glancing his way, he spoke;

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