Don't Mind the Gap -Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Rachel Ward

OK, so I got bored of waiting for you guys to vote. :( <--- depressed face. Please vote me guys, this is my very first book and stuff so...

<----------- Voteee! xx

So here's the next chapter, um... oh yea I like this chapter especially the end! :)


Chapter 6 –Oscar’s POV

When I arrived home from the station, I heard chatter from the lounge. As I walked in I saw Lily with her feet up on the sofa, surrounded by thousands of blankets watching some chick flick on the telly. Oh Yea, take away night... dominoes. I smiled as I passed her swinging my bags on the chair; she returned it with a faint smile before looking back at the telly.

                “What’ve you been up to today, hun?” I asked her, walking into the kitchen for a bottle of beer. After returning, I realised she still hadn’t answered my question. I knelt down next to her, and placed my hand on her face. She was asleep. I decided I’ll leave her be instead of carrying her upstairs, she wasn’t as light as she used to be what with the twins. I smiled again, and traced my hands down to her slightly swollen stomach. Last time we visited the doctor, he said everything was fine and we’ll be expecting our girls sometime in September. She was only 3 months along, but people were already starting to notice her baby bump, I supposed that’s what happens when you are having two of them. I placed my beer on the table next to me, and now had both hands placed on her tummy. I moved my head closer to our babies; I was just about to rest my head on her comforting cushion, when she stirred from beneath me. I changed my position so I was now looking at her head; her eyes were straining to see with sleep.

                “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you...” I whispered hoping she would go back to sleep, when she didn’t she rearranged herself so I could sit next to her on the sofa. I stood up, and snuggled in next to her, resting my arm over her lap. “What do you want to eat? I was thinking pizza?” She nodded so grabbed my phone and ordered a four cheese special; I knew it was her favourite. Once I placed the phone down, I turned back to face her. I was about to ask her something but she beat me to it.

                “Oscar, we need to talk about this baby situation.” I nodded, letting her continue. “I- I mean we can’t do this unless we trust each other.” I was stunned, why were we having this conversation? Did she not trust me? She must have read my mind, as she followed this by, “It’s not that I don’t trust you, I do. But you have a past, and I can’t seem to let that go.” She shook her head, “What if it happens again?” She lowered her head, and I took her hands in mine.

                “It won’t” I assured her, “I promise. That was the old me, OK? Things are different now, I’ve changed. I wouldn’t ever dream of going back to what I was before, and I hate the fact you would ever think that of me. You’re my wife, please trust me ok? I love you Lily, and I love our two unborn children.” I kissed her softly on the lips, before kissing her slightly exposed stomach. “I have everything under control.” I kissed her again, “I’ve been thinking about it, we can’t stay here with two kids,” and again, this time I tipped her gently so she was lying underneath me. “I’ve been looking on the market and there is a house, not too far from here. I’m sure if...” But she stopped me. Her hands were wrapped around the back of my neck, and her legs were lightly wrapped around mine.

                “I love you, Oscar.” She said before smacking her smooth lips onto mine, me being careful of the twins.


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