Sakura's introduction to the human world

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There was a large school of fish swimming north, they shone with all different colors, each as beautiful and vibrant as a rainbow. They were so bright that one almost wouldn't notice the equally colorful mermaid that swam with them, blending in well among the vivid shades. Her hair was a long and silky pink with eyes the color of seafoam and she possessed a tail that shone like emeralds.

Her name was peculiar for a creature of the sea because it referenced something that could only be found on land. Her name was Sakura, and she was a mermaid on a mission. Just last week she had turned sixteen which meant she had finally reached the age at which she could turn her tail to legs.

She had always been curious about the human world as well as anxious to experience its many wonders, so she wasted no time and traveled with the school of fish to the nearest shores. Sakura was almost shaking in excitement.

Not a moment too soon did she finally spot the coast of the human country she would be staying in. The school of fish could accompany her only a few feet closer before they had to depart, continuing their journey to the other side of the seas. She giggled as several swam around her and gave her tiny kisses that felt like tickles to express their goodbyes. 

Sakura watched them leave with sadness, they'd been with her for her entire journey, after all. Once they were out of view, she turned back to the human country, taking in the sandy land and the humans lounging on it from afar.

She looked around for a place where she could safely get rid of her tail and grow legs for the very first time. She finally decided on what appeared to be a dock. There weren't many people around so she could manage to find somewhere where a human wouldn't see her and heft herself up onto the wooden bridge once her transformation was done without raising any suspicion. At least she hoped it wouldn't.

Sakura had heard the first time you transformed into a human was strange, but she hadn't expected the tingling sensation traversing all through her tail. It wasn't painful, but certainly prickly and uncomfortable. Nonetheless, She watched with fascination as her tail and fins disappeared to be replaced by creamy pale legs and feet.

There was also something else she hadn't expected, she realized as her eyes left her legs and traveled upwards. The shells that had covered her breasts from view had disappeared along with her tail. Mermaids didn't have them, but she knew her lower half also had body parts exposed that shouldn't be. What to do?

She couldn't just walk around naked, that would be beyond embarrassing. But she also possessed no human clothes and had no idea where to find them. So, Sakura stayed in the water, carefully moving around the edges of the dock to see if she could find anything of use. It was strange having to swim without her tail, despite it being only a short distance she was moving. 

Having to flap two different parts of her lower body in opposite directions was something she was sure she wouldn't get used to. As she moved through the dock she looked into the boats, hoping for anything she could cover herself with.

To her luck, she found a large blue garment thrown about carelessly inside of an unoccupied boat that she recognized as what humans called shirts. She quickly snatched and slid it onto her body before pulling herself up onto the dock. Luckily, the shirt was long enough to cover her lower half all the way to her mid-thighs.

Sakura clumsily stood on shaky and unbalanced legs, completely new and exciting sensations coursing through her. She wiggled her toes, lifting them up and slamming them back down onto the wood before letting out an excited giggle.

She walked further down the dock, passing by fishermen that were milling about. Some would look at her for a moment before going back to what they'd been doing. Sakura figured that perhaps it was the slight trembling of her legs that made them glance at her.

Despite that, she was clearly doing a good job of blending in because they suspected nothing. Perhaps she was a natural, she thought proudly.

Walking off the dock onto the beach, she saw humans wading in the water and wearing bathing suits. There were a few people on strange boards gliding on top of the waves. Some humans were lounging on the sand on a piece of cloth with their eyes closed or their stomachs to the ground.

Two children ran in front of her and she noticed them carrying buckets filled with water to throw onto a structure they had made of sand. How curious. This must be the type of games human children entertained themselves with. She would have to try it sometime.

Sakura continued to walk through the beach. She watched in fascination all the different things humans did. She passed by a wooden structure that was selling beverages.

She felt disappointed that she didn't have any human currency. Whatever it was they were selling looked delicious! She would have to get some and come back so she could try it.

Running farther up the beach, she came to the edge where the sand ended and a hard, rough, and greyish-looking surface started. It was a bit uncomfortable on her feet after just coming off the soft sand, but she got used to it soon enough. She walked a bit farther and came upon what humans called streets filled with stationary machines that humans used to travel. Sakura had heard they were called cars.

As she walked farther away from the beach, the structures became larger and taller, and the people were much more modestly covered. She ran from window to window, peering inside. Cars passed by hurriedly on the busy streets, some making sharp and loud noises at her. 

She quickly moved out of their way with a bewildered expression. How had they made that noise? She could only assume the places she was passing by currently were shops. One, in particular, caught her attention with what appeared to be strange statues of humans with clothing posed in their windows.

The featureless, white faces creeped her out but her curiosity got the better of her and she ran inside. The little tinkling sound when she opened the door caught her off guard but not in a bad way and she opened and closed it several times just to hear it again. She barely even noticed a few people milling at the front of the store staring at her impatiently.

Hundreds of different human garments greeted her once she was inside. She walked to a rack and sifted through the clothing, grabbing and examining them, curious to know more about humans.

Looking through the clothes, she eventually neared a couple of teenage girls.

"So you're really not going?" Sakura really didn't mean to eavesdrop, she was just too close to not hear.

"No." The other said dejectedly, "I have to study for that stupid test I have on Wednesday. My parents would kill me if I failed." 

Sakura couldn't stifle her gasp. The two girls turned to her and she quickly pretended to be very occupied with looking at clothing. How could that girl say her parents were going to kill her so casually? Was this a common practice of human parents? How horrendous!

"But Yasuke's going to be there!" 

"Don't remind me," She sighed, "I'll just have to make my move at school,"

And that was all it took for Sakura to completely forget all about her previous appalled feelings. School! She had heard about that before. It was the thing all human children attended. Mermaids didn't have schools. Her experience as a human teenager wouldn't be complete without it. She had to find a way to attend this school!

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