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You've never been a Heather. You never saw yourself as a Heather. No matter how much they might force you to change. It doesn't matter that they force you to sit at their table, or change how you dress, or make you cut off all of your real friends. You aren't a Heather

The Heathers aren't your friends. You're friends are Betty Finn, Veronica Sawyer, and Martha Dunnstuck. No matter how much they tell you to cut them off and be with the Heathers, you'll never do it. You'll never be a Heather.

Being with the Heathers is like being with a ticking time bomb.
Any moment they could just-


Heather Duke tapped your desk with her pen, "come on! Lets go! Get your head out of that journal. You know how Heather gets if we're late to lunch." She was already done packing her books, like she had been just waiting for the bell to ring.

"God Heather, give me a minute." You pack up your stuff and stand up. The second you're up Heather wraps her arm around yours and 'hauls your ass' to the lunch room.

Heather was babbling about something on the way to the lunch room. She was the perfect mold; desperate, attention craving, and most of all easy to manipulate. At least, thats what Heather would tell you.

You were listening as much as you could with all the yelling in the hallway. The yelling of football "stars" flirting with girls they felt were "ready" freshmen, mostly. The yelling of kids excited for their 30 minutes of freedom. The yelling of threats coming from Kurt and Ram to anyone who even looked at them wrong.
All eyes were on two people every time they walked by. You and Heather.
It felt like drowning, like the weight of the world was on your shoulders. You had no doubts that Heather felt the same.

But she never let it get to her, it looked like she didn't seem to mind. She just kept talking.
"You're beautiful." You whispered to her. She turned back and smiled,
"I know."

You looked around the hallway until you saw them. Your friends. They were all talking, you had no idea about what, but god did you want to know. You just wanted to pull yourself from Heather's grasp and run to them. Heather would crucify you for that, so all you did was wave at them and even then Heather hit your hand.

"God, you've got to stop thinking about those prudes. Heather'll kill you if see shes you doing that." She barked, little Duke always doing what Heather wants, its a little sad to be honest. You felt bad for her, maybe, she'd like your friends if she got to know them.

You rolled your eyes and ignored her before sending them a smile. They looked happy that you even looked at them. Betty waved at you like if she hadn't see you in years, Martha did the same, and Veronica just nodded at you with a smile. But something else caught your eyes. The flutter of a black coat. You tried to pin the coat to someone but when you looked up. Whoever the coat was attached to had already disappeared into the lunch room.

You opened the door to the lunchroom and for the next thirty minutes you were a Heather.
As Duke kept pulling you. You felt so many eyes on you. So many voices
"Give scraps to those in need-"
"Oh my god, look at Heather-"
"What I'd do to her-"
Annoying buzzing, all mixing together into a disgusting hormonal mess that made you want to curl up on the floor and cry. And then it was gone.

One voice was louder than all the rest. Cutting through the painful white noise.
"Y/n. Finally."
Heather Chandler
The god of Westerburg High.
She was a mythic bitch.

She smiled at you, sick fake smile, but it was a smile people would kill for none the less. She pulled you from Duke's grasps and dragged you over to the lunch table. She made eye contact with you, you could tell that she was just looking at herself though you, you saw a sick glint in her eye.

"I've got a note of Kurt Kelly's. I want you to forge a hot and horny but realistically low-key note in Kurt's hand writing and we'll slip it on to Martha Dumptrucks lunch tray." She held up two pieces of paper. One crumbled up, clearly Kurt's. He couldn't be gentle even if he tried, and he didn't even do that.

She knew that Veronica had taught you how to copy people's hand writings. It's the main reason you and Veronica became friends, you watched her copy a teachers handwriting to get herself out of trouble. You wanted to learn, and the rest is history. Veronica was still a million times better than you, but Heather didn't care. She just wanted the more attractive of you two, and to her, it was you.

"Shit Heather, Martha's my friend, I wouldn't do that to her." You replied with a side eye.

She shook her head and scoffed
"Well I would, you've got to toughen up. You've been so soft on that group of nobodies for too long. I saved you from them. I taught you how to fly with eagles. Come on. It'll be very. The note'll give her shower nozzle masturbation material for weeks."

You could hear Heather Duke and McNamara giggle a bit. Could you really do that to Martha? You glanced at her. She smiled so wide when you caught her eye. You missed that, but until the bell rung you were a Heather and a Heather must do as told.

"I'll think about."

"Dont think."
She glanced over at Martha and smirked. She knew you'd do it no matter how much you'd protest.

"Splendid. I'll dictate. Y/n needs something to write on. Heather, bend over.." Both McNamara and Duke begin to bend over. Heather laughs a violent wicked laugh.

"How nice. Two assholes: no waiting."
McNamara and Duke stand erect, embarrassed. You shook your head, she even treated her so called friends like shit.
"Heather Duke, back down."

Heather then handed you a neat paper and began to guide you on what to write. You lean up on Duke and being writing

"Make it say...'Dear Martha, I've been thinking about you. I miss the simpler times when we were still friends. I'd like you to come to my homecoming party this weekend. Bring Veronica and Betty too. Love, Kurt.' and put an XO after the signature!"
Short and simple. Might not be as hot and horny as I would've liked it to be. Leaves more to the imagination." She has a mischievous tone in her voice, you could practically hear her smirk.

"You're sick, Heather." You ripped off the note and handed it to her. She smirked reading it over. Duke standing up straight to look over the note too.

"Perfect." She handed the note to McNamara and she knew exactly what to do with it. She crumbled it up and then folded it. She walked over to Kurt. Their conversation was brief, she handed the note to him and he handed it to Martha.

From the flustered look on Martha's face and the excitement that you could feel dripping off her, you knew she had fell for it.

You let the guilt seep into you as you sat down.
Today was gonna be a long fucking day.

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