What do you want

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A gnarly melange of chicken and potatoes is scraped off a plate into a cafeteria trashcan as you and the Heathers began to walk out of the lunch room for, thankfully, the last time that day.
You all had come back to the cafeteria to get your stuff before heading to your next class.

You pause to peer over at the dark haired boy you'd been looking at the whole lunch period. You feel someone nudge your shoulder and lean over next to you, laying their body weight onto you.

"God Y/N, drool much? His name's Jason Dean. He's in my American History." McNamara spoke with a smirk on her face, "you know what, give me the clipboard. I know you've got absolutely no play with boys." She snatched the clipboard from your hands and began to walk over to him, turning around once to oink some unamusing sexual noises

"Y/n. Lets go." Heather pulled on your arm and began to pull you out of the lunchroom with Duke following behind. You got one last look at him which he returned with a wink.

McNamara soon joined you three in the hallway. All of your lockers were next to each other's Heathers on the far right, Duke's left of hers, McNamara left of Duke's, and you on the far left. Heather was brushing her hair with her lockers mirror and Duke was looking over her makeup.

McNamara opened her locker and began to apply a new layer of lipstick "he was such a freak, but he'd be right up your ally Y/N dark, mysterious," you rolled your eyes and smiled slightly "he kept glancing at the door to see if you'd come back in," she smirked and puckered up her lips before closing the lip stick and putting it away.

You were about to respond when


Jason Dean was suspended for a week for carrying a fire arm in school.

At the end of the day while you were walking into the parking lot to get your car Duke grabbed your arm. "Heather and Heather are going to be taking Heather's car to your house. So I decided to come with you so you wouldn't feel left out." She said in a know-it-all voice. You highly doubt that Heather didn't just kick her out, but it wasn't a big deal. Duke was a close friend she, at least, was better than Heather.

"Thats so very." You rolled your eyes and looked over at Duke

"Ugh, dont say that, Heather's been rubbing off on you too much. Just say 'thats so cool' or something." Duke scoffed and pulled on your arm slightly.

"That's so cool" you repeated in a mocking high pitched voice which only made Duke groan and shove you slightly.

"Come on, Heather, lighten up," You unlocked the car and Duke let go of your arm to get inside. You followed suit in the drivers seat. "Anyways you know the rules. I stop at 7-11 to get gas and to get a slushie every Friday."

She scoffed and began pulling a nail filer from her back pack. "Yeah, yeah I know I chose the worst day to ride with you. Its fine. Just don't take too long." You mockingly smiled at her and began to pull out of the parking lot.

The conversation in the car was light, how it always was hanging out with Duke. She was self absorbed, bratty, and annoying but you had a soft spot for her. Sometimes, she was alright. She turned up the radio every time her favorite song played, 'Teenage suicide (dont do it)' by Big Fun. Which happened often since Big Fun was a popular band.

When you finally arrived and 7-11 you pulled into the gas station and stepped out after rolling down the window. Once you were out you held out your hand towards Duke through the window. She knew she had to pay for half the gas since she rode with you.
She groaned and reached into her bag and pulled out her wallet handing you five dollars.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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