Chapter 2

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Y/n's pov: ⚠️ eating disorder ⚠️

Luna woke me up early, "what time is it?" I ask yawning, "6:30, you have to get ready for your first day of classes" ughhh it's so early, but she's right so I get up and have a shower, once I'm finished showering I do my hair, y/makeup routine, brush my teeth and get dressed.

When Luna and I are both done getting ready we grab our bags and walk down stairs, once we get downstairs we sit at our table and wait for breakfast to appear. Soon it appears and everyone begins to eat, "Y/n are you going to eat anything?" Luna asks, "no, I'm too nervous to eat right now" I reply, "at least grab something and put it in your bag" "ok" I wrap up some food and put it in my bag.

"What's your first class?" she asks, "uhh, Potions, what about you?" I ask, "I have Herbology" "Nice, well I'm going to class, see you later" I say as I get up. I leave the hall and start walking to find my class, I soon find my class and I'm the first one there. I walk in the class and my father is sitting at his desk.

"Hello Y/n" "Professor" I reply and I take a seat, "you can call me father when we're not in class" he says, "fine, hello father." My dad and I have a rocky relationship, of course I love him he's my dad, but we argue a lot.

The first bell rings and students begin walking into class, just as the last bell finishes ringing someone runs into the class. "Sorry Professor" Mattheo "it's alright, please take a seat" he takes a seat at the back of the class with Draco, really? I have both of them in my class, I just hope they're not in my group.

"I'll be choosing your groups for the rest of the year, so if you were hoping to be with your friends too bad" father says, of course that's what he says, he hates children.

He reads out everyone's names and my group is last,  "And our last group, Y/n, Mattheo and Draco" oh great, never would've guessed. The two boys get up and walk over, they sit on either side of me. Father then explains the lesson and let's us begin.

I grab everything we need to make the potion and bring it to the table, the boys just sit there, "are you guys going to help or..?" they don't move or say anything, "alright then" I begin making the potion, by myself, I really have a great table group.

I finish the potion very quickly and my father comes and checks it out, "very good work y/n, you and your group are dismissed" "thank you, professor" I pick up my bag, "thanks for all your help today boys, same time tomorrow?" I say as I walk out of class.

Shit that was a bit mean, I really try to be nice because I don't want to be anything like my father or his friends. It's just sometimes I can't help it, I grew up around all these horrible people and I've never wanted to be anything like them, so when I say something even a little harsh I get mad at myself.

I have a bit of time before my next class and no idea what I'm going to do, everyone's in class besides Mattheo and Draco and I'm not hanging out with them. I walk outside and sit down on the grass, it's a bit cold outside but it's a nice day.

I organize my bag and read a bit of my book until the bell rings and I go to my next class, which is Defence Against the Dark Arts. I'm quite excited for this class, I get into the class, really? They're in this class too, but this time with the rest of their friends.

As I walk in I also see Harry, Ron and Hermione, "Y/n, would you like to sit with me?" Hermione asks, "sure" I say and walk over, "your father would be disappointed Y/n, making friends with filthy Mudbloods" Draco sneers and all his friends laugh, "too bad I don't give a fuck what my father-" I get cut off by the doors flying open.

"Hello class welcome to Defence Against the Dark Arts, I am Professor Lupin" he seems like a good teacher, "everyone up out of your seats, move the desks to the walls" he says, when we finish moving everything out of the way we turn our attention to the big silver cabinet at the front of the room.

"Can anyone tell me what is inside this cabinet?" Professor Lupin asks, "that's a boggart" a boy says, "very good Mr. Thomas. Now can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?" he asks, "no one knows, boggarts are shapeshifters, they take the shape of whatever a person fears the most" Hermione replies.

Lupin gives us instructions on the charm to repel a boggart and explains how we will each take turns using this charm on the boggart. Neville goes first, he put my dad in his grandmothers clothes, I quite enjoyed that. Next Ron went and I went after Ron.

The boggart begins spinning and turning into what I supposedly fear most, nothing appears, "hmm.. that's strange" Lupin says I look at him confused, "someone else go next" he says again and a girl goes, she turns a snake into jack in the box.

"Miss Snape, try again please" I go up again, the boggart begins spinning and turning, nothing, I'm afraid of nothing. "Can you tell me what it is you're most afraid of?" Lupin asks, "I honestly have no clue" I reply, "you aren't afraid of anything, how can that be?"

I zone out, everyone's staring at me, "Y/n?" Hermione says, I refocus, "excuse me" I grab my bag and leave the class. How is it that I'm not afraid of anything, I have to be scared of something. Maybe that's what I'm afraid of... having nothing, never mind that's silly.

I walk quickly to the bathroom and wash my hands and face to bring myself back to reality, I still have more classes today. I sigh, I don't want to go to my other classes but I kinda have to. I dry off my hands and walk out of the bathroom, as I'm leaving the bathroom the bell rings and I go to class.

Time skip to after the other classes

Luna and I meet up after class and walk to our room, we put our bags away and go back downstairs. We walk down the halls for a while and find Neville, "hey Neville" I say, "uhh.. hi guys" he seems upset, "are you ok?" Luna asks. "Yea, I'm fine.." he says.

"Neville, what happened?" I ask, "they were just being a bit mean, it's fine though" he says, "who?" "no one, it's fine" "Neville, who was being mean to you?" I ask, "Mattheo and his friends" he says, "are you kidding me!?" those assholes, Neville is too precious for this world.

"Oh no there they are" he says and I turn around, I put my bag down and walk over to them, "Y/n what are you doing?" Neville says, "Y/n." But I keep walking up to their group, once I get there I tap Mattheo on the shoulder but he doesn't move, so I do it again and he turns around.

"What do you want?" he looks at me and I punch him right in the nose, "ow, what the fuck" "next time you wanna be mean to my friend, remember this" I say and turn around and walk back over to Luna and Neville.

I pick up my bag, I link arms with both of them and we walk away. "Thanks Y/n, that was really cool" he says, "don't worry about it, that's what friends are for right?" I smile and so do they.

We walk Neville back to his common room and when we get here we see the Golden Trio, "hey guys" Luna says "hello" "hi" "thanks again Y/n" Neville says and walks into their room, "what did you do? What happened to your hand?" Hermione asks.

"She punched Mattheo for picking on Neville" Luna says, "Luna" I widen my eyes, "YOU DID WHAT!?" "it's not a big deal" I say, "it's a huge deal actually, you know who his father is right?" Ron says, "yea, so what? he wouldn't do anything to me."

"Let's hope you're right" Harry says, "I am, trust me. See you guys later" I say and Luna and I walk back to our room, "well today's been fun" I say and she laughs. We get into our room and both get ready for bed, "goodnight" "goodnight" we say and both fall asleep.

Time skip to midnight

I woke up in the middle of the night starving, but I did a good job not eating today. I tried to fall back asleep but I can't, I'm too hungry, I quietly get out of bed and walk over to my bag. I still have food in there from earlier, so I grab the food and walk into the bathroom.

I unwrap the food and eat it very quickly, now I'm not hungry, but I feel worse than before I ate. God why did I do that, I was fine until I did that, I sit on the floor in the bathroom and tears fall down my face.

I burry my head into my knees trying to quiet the sound of me crying, then I stand up and wipe the tears away from my eyes. I feel terrible right now, I can't even make myself throw it up because I absolutely hate doing that, throwing up makes me so uncomfortable.

I wash my face at the sink and I walk back to my bed to fall back asleep, I feel awful right now, I'm trying not to cry as I lay back in my bed. It takes a while but I finally fall asleep.

Thats the second chapter lol.

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