Chapter 4

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Y/n's pov:

Today I have my date with Cedric, I think I'm excited to go, he seems like a nice guy. Probably the nicest guy I'll find here besides Neville, I hope it goes well, I'm kinda nervous though. I've never really been on a date before, all the guys I've ever gone out with are assholes that just want to fuck and leave. I don't think Cedric is like that, at least I hope not.

I'm thinking about the date, but I still have to go to class, so I get out of bed and get ready to go to class. Luna and I walk downstairs, we sit down at our table and food appears. I grab something small and put it on my plate, as we're eating the awful Slytherins walk by us, "Y/n good job, you're actually eating something" Mattheo grins, "leave her alone" Luna stands up.

"Calm down, Loony" he says, "Luna it's fine" I say grabbing her arm and she sits back down, "have a good breakfast" Pansy says as they all walk away, I push my plate away, after he said that I won't be able to eat anything now. "Why does he never talk?" I ask Luna pointing to the other boy in their group, "oh Blaise, I don't know, he's actually quite sweet" she smiles.

"Is that right?" I say, "yea, we have a class together, he sits beside me" she blushes, "do you like him?" I ask, "I'm not sure, he's a Slytherin" "so? Do you like him?" I ask again, "maybe a little" she says, "aww cute, as long as he's good to you, there's nothing to worry about" I say, "anyways, I have to get to class, see you later" I say getting up. "Bye" she says and I walk away.

As I'm walking to class I see Cedric, "hey Y/n, we still good for tonight?" he asks, "yea, wanna meet at 7?" I ask, "sure, I'll meet you at your dorm" he says, "alright, bye" I say, he waves goodbye and we go separate ways. I walk into class and sit down at the table, soon my two table mates walk in a sit down with me. "So I hear you have a date tonight, that sounds exciting" Draco says.

"Uh yea, I guess" I reply, how does he know that...weird. Anyways class goes on like normal, father explains the lesson, I do all of the work and then we leave early. Next we go to our next class, we learn, the Slytherin group annoys everyone by not paying attention and we leave. Then the rest of the day continues like normal.

Now it's finally after class and I go back to my room with Luna and she helps me get ready for my date, I put on y/ makeup, y/hair and get dressed. Once I'm ready I sit on my bed and talk to Luna until Cedric arrives, he knocks on the door so I wait a second, then I answer it.

"Hey Y/n, you look great!" he says, "thanks, you too!" I smile, he holds out his hand, "shall we?" he says and I take his hand, "bye Luna, I won't be too late" I say walking out the door, "so what are we doing?" I ask, "well I was thinking we could go for a walk and then watch the sunset" he says, "that sounds fun" I say and we walk out of the school.

We're still holding hands and I don't want to let go, we walk out of the front doors and follow a path for a while, we talk and laugh the entire time. He's so sweet, I like him. The sun begins to set and we start walking back to school, we go back into the school and we go to the Astronomy Tower. He climbs up onto the ledge and sits down with his feet hanging over, I then climb up with him.

The sun is setting, the sky is glowing, it's a kind of orange peachy looking colour. "It's beautiful" I say, "it is" he replies, he puts his arm around me and I rest my head on his shoulder. We stay like that silently for a while, until the we can no longer see the sun, we both climb off the ledge.

"I had a lot of fun tonight!" I say, "me too, we should do this again sometime" he replies, "definitely" I smile, "before I go, can I kiss you?" he asks, "yes you can" I reply, he leans down and kisses me, his lips are soft, he has his hands on my waist, one of my hands is on his face. He pulls away and smiles shyly, "I'll see you later Y/n, goodnight" he says and he walks away.

Oh my god, that was so sweet and adorable, tonight went really well. "Look at the happy couple" I hear a voice say, why is he always here when I'm with Cedric, "what do you want?" I ask annoyed, "lose the attitude babe" "don't call me that" I say, he takes a seat on the bench, "so your date went well?" he asks, "yes it did" I say proudly.

"We both know it's not going to last long" he says lighting a cigarette, "what's that supposed to mean" "come one Y/n, you and I both know that you'll get bored of him soon enough" "I will not" I say, "right" he says smoking his cigarette, "where did you get this idea, when we were together you were the one who left me remember" "because I wasn't ready" he says, "you were ready to fuck me, but wouldn't stay for the outcome" I snap.

"That's not fair, I was 14" "yea well I was 13" I say and I go to leave, "I don't care that you left me, I got over it. But Caleb, that pain will hurt him for the rest of his life... and that's on you" I say, "that's his name?" he asks, "yea, it is" I say and I leave, I'm glad I finally said that. I understand it was difficult for him to take responsibility but it was for me too.

Mattheo's pov:

Y/n walks away, "fuck" I shout, it's alway my fault. Did she ask what I wanted? No, did she ask how I felt? No, so how does she expect me to stay when I didn't even know what the fuck I was doing. Do you know how hard it is to have a child at that age? It's such a hard thing and for her to want me to do, like it's a decision that I'll have to deal with my whole life, and I'm sorry but I want to be an actual teenager.

Y/n's pov:

I get back to my room, change into my PJ's and get into my bed, "how was your date?" Luna asks, "it was really good" I say, "are you guys going out again?" "I think so" I reply, "aw that's good" "yea" "well goodnight Y/n" "goodnight" I say and we both fall asleep. I'm happy to go to sleep because I get to see Caleb tomorrow.

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