Chapter 3

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Y/n's pov:

Luna woke me up again this morning, if she didn't I probably wouldn't wake up til noon, I slowly climbed out of bed and got ready for the day. Then Luna and I walked down for breakfast, I won't eat in front of  other people so I just put something in my bag again.

Once the first bell rang I walked to class, I walked into class and Draco and Mattheo were already there. Mattheo looks up at me and my hand slaps over my mouth and my eyes widen trying to hide my laugh.

"You think this is funny?" he spits, I shake my head then I take my seat. If I'm being honest it is a bit funny, but I also feel bad, I didn't think I hit him that hard. My father then explains the lesson and I again grab all of the things we need, by myself.

I don't even bother asking the boys to help me because I know they won't, I'm pretty sure this is how the whole year is going to go. I make the potion, finish it, get my father to check it then my group leaves early again.

When I exit the class I turn the corner and run into somebody and they drop their books, "oh shit, I'm so sorry" I say "here let me help you" I bend down and help him pick up his books. I hand him his books and I look up, damn he's fine, "thanks, uh, I'm Cedric by the way" he says.

"Y/n, nice to meet you" I smile, "well I should get going, see you around Y/n" he smiles and walks away, he's cute, I don't think he's in my year though. I look behind me before I go to walk away and see Mattheo staring at me and Draco trying to get his attention, when I look at them he glares at me for a second then looks away.

That was weird, I walk to my next class and wait outside until the bell rings since I have only a few minutes. The bell rings and I walk into class.

The rest of the day was pretty boring, I just went through the motions. It was kind of weird today though, with Mattheo, every time I looked over at him he was staring at me intensely. Almost like he was planning to kill me, he wouldn't though... right?

Finally I'm done my classes today and I meet up with Hermione and Luna, I walk up to them "hey guys" "hi" "hey Y/n" "do you guys know a boy named Cedric?" I ask, "of course, Cedric Diggory, he's a 7th year. Why?" Hermione says.

"Oh I just ran into him earlier, he's cute" "do you like him?" Luna asks, "what? No, I just met him today and we only said a few words to each other" I say, "sure sure, whatever you say" Hermione says, "oh shut it" I say and we all laugh.

As we're talking guess who walks by, I bet you can't guess who. "Hey Y/n" I turn around, "oh um, hi" I say "can you meet me at the Astronomy Tower in about an hour?" "sure" I reply and he walks away.

"Woah, excuse me what was that?" Luna says, "you're blushing" Hermione says, "stop it I am not" I look down. "But you only said a few words to each other, mhm, alright then" Hermione says, "I did, I have no idea what that was about" I say and they both laugh at me.

Mattheo's pov:

"What could possibly be so funny" I scowl, "what?" Draco asks and turns around and looks at Y/n, "who cares, she just a stupid girl" she's not stupid, what is he saying. She is however extremely annoying, she's always doing the right thing, pathetic.

I stand up from leaning on the wall, Cedric and walks up to Y/n, "what is he doing?" I mumble, "why do you care?" "I don't" I lean back, I'm staring at them, I don't know why but I can't look away. She's just so annoying, and so are her little friends.

"Mattheo.... Mattheo.. Mattheo" Blaise keeps tapping me, "what?" I snap, "calm down, let's go mate" he says and we walk away, we walk past Y/n and her friends, she's really pissing me off for no reason so I purposely bump into her, "aw sorry, didn't mean to do that" I smirk and walk away.

Y/n's pov:

"Aw sorry, didn't mean to do that" Mattheo says after bumping into me and then walks away smirking, "what's his problem?" Hermione asks, "what isn't his problem" I say and we go to Luna and I room.

It's almost time to meet Cedric, "should I go now and be there early?" I ask, "NO" they both say, "you want to be a little late so he doesn't think you're desperate" Hermione says, "woah. I am not desperate" I reply, "I know that but you don't want to make it seem like you are"

We wait for a little while longer and then I leave to go meet up with him, I show up at the Astronomy Tower and he's sitting down waiting for me. He heard me and turns around, "hey" I say, "hi Y/n" he says, "I just wanted to ask you something" he says again, "alright, what is it?"

"Well I was wondering if you would like to go on a date? I know we haven't really met yet, but I would like to get to know you better" he says, "sure, that's sounds fun" I reply, "just a question though, why did we have to wait and hour for you to asks this?" I ask, "oh one of my friends was sent to the hospital wing, he got hurt pretty badly."

"Oh my god, is he ok?" I ask, "he'll be fine, but anyways that's why I couldn't ask you then, I was seeing how he was doing" he says, "sorry if that seemed rude, I was just a bit confused" I say, "oh yea, no worries. Anyways I have to get going, I have a test tomorrow morning, do you want to go out on Friday?

"Sure, Friday" "I'll see you Friday, bye Y/n" he leaves, I did not think that's what he was going to say tonight, but I'm excited. Cedric seems like a nice guy and he's cute.

"Have a good time on your date" I hear a voice say and someone walks into the light, "oh, it's you" I say, "don't sound so excited" he says, "funny" I say going to walk away but he grabs my arm, "be careful on that date of yours, don't want any surprises" I pull my hand out of his grip, "shut up Mattheo" I say and walk away.

"Make sure you use protection" he yells as I'm walking away, he knows that's the worst thing he could've said, why did he have to bring it up now. I was in such a good mood and he had to do that, I can't say I'm surprised, I just didn't think he'd go that low.

Story time

So you're probably wondering what that meant and why it hurt me so much, Mattheo and I hooked up a few times when we were around 13/14, in 3rd year, this is when I still went to Beauxbatons. I know people will say we were too young to be doing that but with the people we grew up around we didn't exactly have the best role models.

The reason that got to me so much was because, when we were doing that I ended up getting pregnant... You can't get mad at either of us though, we didn't know what we were doing. But if you're wondering what happened, I did have the baby, I felt like I couldn't give him up.

He's doing good, when I'm at school I see him on weekends, he stays with one of my good friends from Beauxbatons family. I am very grateful that they offered to take care of him so I could still go to school, I don't know what I would've done without them.

No one knows about this but Mattheo, Lucy-Anne's family and I. Lucy-Anne doesn't know, just her parents, I didn't want anyone to think less of me so I made them keep it a secret. Even my own father doesn't know and I hid it from him because I don't want my son to be around him.

Mattheo doesn't even visit him, when it came time for responsibility he just left and I will never forgive him for that. My sons name is Caleb, he's almost 2 years old now, he's very important to me even if his father is a dick. He's the reason I try to be nice all of the time, I want him to grow up better than I did.

End of story

I get back up to my room and get ready for bed, I wash the tears off my face and climb into bed, "Y/n, how did it go with Cedric?" Luna asks, "good, we're going out on Friday" I reply, "that's awesome, well, goodnight Y/n" "goodnight" I say then shut my eyes.

Lmao just thought i'd add a lil something in there, tbh i didn't even think i was going to write that. Ik some people might not like it, if you don't pretend it never happened.

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