15) the baku-club-house!!

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3rd pov~
After some tasty Chicken Alfredo for diner,
The now bakusquad is lounging all over on the couch. It's hard to explain how they all got on the couch, but they did. There was still another two and a been bag that seems to be put in place but in a way, none of them are complaining. (Y/n) had her hair up in a bun while Jirou had hers held by hair clips decorated by music notes, and Mina had hers held by a rainbow cheetah printed headband. Sero used a ponytail, Denki had pigtails on, courtesy of Pinky. And Bakugou and Kirishima had headbands, black and red. Closes to the door was Sero as Denki laid on top of him with his legs on Mina, Mina has her body leaning on Kirishima who sat next to Bakugou holding onto the pinknett. Bakugou was sandwiched between the twins,  (y/n) laid her head on Bakugou's thigh and her legs were tangled with Jirou's, while she rested her head on the end of the couch. Honestly, may the Gods forbid one to move because then they all will have to move. Taking turns choosing a movie, Eijiro's movie currently playing. Jaws. But yawns were heard through the show, it was inherently late, a few more hours, and the sun will rise, scratch that. A few minutes past 5 am, the group were pulling off all-nighters. But that's fine, tomorrow is Sunday so no need to worry about school or work.

"Is this the last movie or are we watching another one?" The pinknett asked. "Someone wants to put something on or eat breakfast?” (y/n) debated the options. " is it that late already?" Sero asked. "You mean early" Denki corrected with finger guns. "Is sleep an option?" Jirou asked as she yawning. "Sleep is for the weak" Bakugou grumbled. "Don't you sleep at 8:30 pm every night?" Eijiro grinned knowing the answer full well causing the others to laugh.
"Shut it weird hair!" The ash-blonde glared. "Well before anyone decides to kill each other, did you all choose a room or are we staying here?" Questioned the tailed girl. "We can choose a room for ourselves?!" Pinky asked excitedly, "what is this? Your house raccoon eyes" Bakugou remarked sarcastically, making the pink fluff pout. "I don't see why not tho, you all can have a room here that's fine with me." The (h/c)-nett said. "After all, I am the owner of this house" she smirked with a gleeful look of success. "You wouldn't mind if we just take over on our first visit?" The earplugs questioned "not at all, lets make this place the 'bakusquad house'" (y/n) smiled. "Oh sweet, I call dibs on the second biggest room." The redhead said. "Nahh it should be a first come first serve!" Mina complained. And with that, they all jumped out of the couch.

(Y/n) pov~
"Aww, no fair I had called dibs on it first!" Ni-san cried out as Blasty stood proudly on the door next to mine. The second master bedroom. "I beat you to it, losers," he said so proudly as the other sulked. "But don't you live like four houses down mine?" I asked as innocently as possible, as Mina gasped and soon the others followed. "That's true we pick you up after our trip to the mall! " the acid user shot. "I won by your rules!" Bakugou shot back. "Well I'm her brother I should ha e the room" Eiji ni-san added as Jirou and I watched. "Hey, I think you would like this room," I whispered to the purplenett next to me. Her eyes shined, I open the door in front of my room. And there stood a whole music room, personal studio, instruments and gadgets all around and a sofa by the wall. "We can totally get a bed and move some of the stuff into the basement, there is some stuff i wanna do down there but I haven't gone to it," I admitted. "Maybe for space's sake but this is totally awesome! Are you sure I can be here?" I nodded. "Originally, I was planning on keeping you all out, but I'm pretty sure I can trust you when it comes to music stuff," I said with a winking as she looked at the guitars and drum set in awe. "Ohh it's the mystery room!" Denki screamed getting the attention of the others. "Wow! We can totally make a band together!" Mina chirped. "That be so manly!" Eiji ni-san second. "Oh, I didn't know you play instruments (y/n)" chimed Sero as he went over to the keyboard. "Well somewhat, I'm no pro or anything." I answered. "The drums it the hardest thing to learn from here," I admitted having with my fingers. "No, it's not, your just dumb." Bakugou shoved his way taking a seat and play away on the drums. "Well?" He smirked and we all praised him. Denki got an electric guitar and tuned it before playing some vers and Jirou joined his song. Sero followed with the keyboard and Bakugou started drumming as I followed with a base guitar. Mina and Eijiro danced as we played.

Is this what having a full house feels like? It's so warm and joyful. I hope grandma is seeing this, it makes me quite happy knowing that her last wishes are coming true and it all starts here, with them. We laughed with glee, and my eyes locked with some bright red ones. He had a soft smile and calm eyes. Directed to me. Just for me. I returned the smile, but I couldn't look away from him. Now butterflies erupted in my stomach, but it's nice. I think I like him. He let out a soft chuckle as we finished playing. "I'm claiming this guitar!! Can I?!!" The electric user asked with stars in his eyes. He's too adorable to say no to. "Sure just take care of it." I smiled. "Then if you don't mind, can I borrow the keyboard and continue practicing it?" Sero asked as I nodded. "Hey, I wanna learn how to play too!" Mina pouted. "Then I suggest you play the base, you'll still be able to dance a bit around." I pointed out as a matter of fact like tone. "What about me?" My favorite redhead cried out. I looked at Jirou for any ideas. "How about acoustic guitar?" She said "I nodded. " are you cool with that one?" I have books on all the instruments in a box in the basement so I might just have to get that out. "Yeah, sure! I'm gonna look so many with a guitar!" He said shooting his fist in the air. Getting the last guitar handing it to him. "Just take care of it." I smiled and stepped out of the room. "AND IF ANY OF YOU BREAK MY STUFF YOU'LL HAVE HELL TO PAY!!!" I, satisfied with the warning, hummed in peace. "Well, this shall be my room. So get out." Jirou stared at Bakugou, and then shifted her gaze to me. "I'm not in your room," being a few centimeters out of her door frame, I smirked. "Bakugou started to walk out and drag me with him. " YOU LEFT THE DOOR OPEN!! UGHHHH!!!" The music Mistress complained as blasty and I laughed, and laughed harder when she slammed the door.

Now in my room bakubabe barged in and fixed himself in my bed. "So now you don't need an invite?" I stared at him. "Just come here," he patted the space next to him and I complied. "Tired?" And all I got in response was a hum. It's already 7 am, and here I thought is spend the day with ejirou ni-san. My eyes started to close when someone else opened my door. "Hey (y/-....why is he in bed with you?! He's hugging you!!" My twin older brother radiated in anger. I sighed, jealous much? I patted a spot next to me and motioned him to come. He did, but glaring and the sleeping boy in the process. "Let take a nap then spend the day together," I said sleepily and yawned.  "Fine, but only us two, Bakugou is not invited." The redhead huffed pitching Bakugou's hand off my stomach. "That's fine with me Ei ni-chan," I murmured back slowly drifting to sleep.

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