17) bleh

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(Y/n)'s pov

The day started like every other school day, or so I thought. "Today we will start your two-week training for the sports festival. This will be important to show scouts what you are capable of and worthy of their time. This will involve every first year that wants to participate." Mister Aisawa said. "Do we have to do it?" Mineral who was sitting behind me asked. "The hero course is voluntold," the teacher sighed tiredly. And I don't know why but I started to feel sleepy too. Still listening, y eyes kept closed as the dark hair teacher rambled on how every event is different until the finals on one-on-one combat. I can just lose the first our the sec- "Asuna (y/n)! This is class, not your bed. Wake up." I hear the eldest male grunt. I grumbled and open. my eyes. "Like to tell me what we're going to do?" He asked. "We are to train till we drop for the next two weeks and participate in the sports festival as a debut in-hero society. We're going to change and spend the day in the gym." I said back in a more tone. "That's right, and just because I sleep in my class does not mean you can too." I got my bag and pulled out a pillow and a juice pouch and tossed it to him. "Catch," I said smiling which he did. "Fine, I'll let you. Just this time so don't make it a habit." Aisawa said and slipped into his sleeping bag and fixed the pillow in his head. I'm making this a habit. I poked Izu-Kun and gave him a note asking him to wake me up when we leave. And put my head down for a nap.

"-chan? (Yn)-chan time to go," Izu-Kun said as he shook my shoulder. "Did I miss anything?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "Let's go you dumb fox!" Bakugou growled and pulled me up by my blazer. "I'm going I'm going," I said waking up a bit more. I dragged my feet behind Bakugou who was pulling me closer to Eijiro as he stopped his feet on the way. "You're so grumpy you could use a nap." I yawned. "I have a sleeping schedule to maintain and you shouldn't sleep on school dumbass," blasty growled and Ei-ni san chuckled. "You should be careful, you don't want to miss any important info in class." Brother's warning made me huff. "I'll be fine if I do miss something it's not the end of the world if I do," I yawned I think I'll hide out back and take a nap.

"Well come to UA's gymnasium, you will be spending the next two weeks here training your quirk and receiving advice from your heroic teachers. The other half of the day will be spent on ground beta for courses training with traps. This is to sharpen your minds and except the unexpected." Uncle might voice boomed in the room. A teacher looking like a block, called Cementos started chaining the grounds making them expandable and separated to give each of us enough room to train. But I still feel drowsy, and I don't know why. 'It's us evolving kit,' Kurama's voice shook in my head. 'I didn't know you were still in there, you'd slept for so long I thought you left.' I thought knowing he could hear me. 'Haha and where will I go, I have nothing other than napping to do here.' He said almost grumbling. 'Can't we find a way to take you out?' I asked him. But before I got an answer I felt a jab in my ribs. "Come one, we have to train idiot." Bakugou growled and started walking as I followed. "Do you want to spar or is this solo?" I asked him. "You can't spar with him, he's too rough!" Ei-ni-chan said firmly. "Okay, then i-" "Oi, who are you calling rough?" The blond shot at the redhead. "You, Bakubro I know it's been less than a year but you don't hold back." "It's not like any shitty villain would too dumb hair." I figured they will continue arguing and started to walk away. 'They are one hell of a handful. By the way, you should sleep the day away you will be sluggish for two or three days, maybe a week.' kurama chuckled but I felt no energy within me. Before making it to a corner Uncle might come and pulled me onto the side. "Are you feeling well little (yn)?" He asked looking concerned but I nodded my head. "Just sleepy," I replied with a tired closes eye smile. "If this is about your quirk you should rest. Your grandmother gave me a very detailed description of how your given quirk works. I know its side effects and gains so there is no curveball." He whispered before getting firm with his word. "And why would she give you that info but not me?" I asked suspiciously. "Because if she told you, you still wouldn't take care of yourself. That Fox's is new in your system so will take a while to fully adjusts which will imply for you to rest as much as you can." Uncle-might said as if scolding me. I just nodded but he side and took me to the bench. "Just relax today, we can make it up to other or the day after. You will be just fine." He gave a genuine smile in which I returned. I decided to rest on the bench even if Bakugou decided to go for my throat later for not training. If this sluggish feeling is kurama's doing then I can't to anything than live it through. 'That's right,' he grinned on my mind in which I decided to meditate to scold and train which him in my mindscape. But knowing the giant fox this training won't be easy as it sounds and my body will feel the damage done by training.

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