6) im ok

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Your pov

I felt like my world was about to end on the spot but then he smiled"I don't know much except for what All-Might has ranted about you, but you have a great taste in pillows and baking" Aisawa said rather happily, i exhaled in relief. I thought i was screwed. "It's about to lunch and i hope you all have Present-Mikes homework done. I have grating to do so don't bother me. And no one touches my cookies or my new pillow." Sensei spoke sternly when made me take a step back, but then the door was swung open. "I AM HERE!!! Walking through the door like a normal person." Uncle might come in. "Young Midoria and little (y/n) you two are to come to my office during your lunch break!" I sighed "But i wanna meet new people" i pouted. "I'm not gonna take all your time unless you decide to stay there." "Fine ill show up, but imma leave as soon as i can. I wanna spend time with ni-san. Ne?" I swayed from side to side in excitement and my tails were wiggling too. Don't get me wrong i love uncle, but i wanna know more about Eiji. "It's just a quick talk ten minutes tops!" Almight said. That's when Aisawa came into the conversation. "Guess who has 8 chocolate chunk cookies from the chef herself at our first meet?!" Aisawa teased Almighty. Strangely i feel like my world is gonna end soon again. "Little (y/n) tell me he's lying!!!" Uncle might looks like a hurt puppy, so i looked away. "Hey won't you look at the time i gotta pack up!" I dashed to the back of the class i grabbed the bento and my book bag and ran up to uncle might. "So wanna start heading to your office now?" I asked him visibly nervous as seven of my tails curled around me and the other two held my book bag and bento. "Asuna! You didn't answer my question!" He sounded disappointed and slightly irritated. I looked down at my feet and sighed. "I just wanna make friends and get along with everyone. I'm sorry uncle might" i looked up to him with tears swelling up in the corners of my eyes. "Hey, Almight that is so unmanly to make an innocent person cry!" Ni-san protested. Uncle might gave a sigh "The reason why i asked her is that her cooking is addicting" he shook his head and looked at me. "Little (y/n) i understand what you are trying to do but you and i both know that you will not rest properly if you start cooking as you would before! Your quirk requires large amounts of rest. And you very well know that i feel offended when you meet people for the first time and give them your homemade food just like that!" He sighed "You didn't let me eat anything you would make as a kid till you were like what? Ten?!" He pouted and i giggled, he looked like a kid. "I was twelve when i first let you try my food, i was hesitant about it, but i did need a taste tester before i gave grandmother and grand Torino the veggie chicken soup." We laughed at the thought of the memory. "I still remember lady Asuna and gran Torino playing in the rain, and you got so mad because you knew they were gonna catch a cold and they did!!!" We started laughing so hard. I remembered how i was stomping at the door getting after them. "I swear when they would spend time together they would get in more trouble than what you would get yourself into."Almight gave me a nervous laugh "No, i would always be a responsible young adult!" I gasped at his lie "Oh no you weren't!! You got ban from like ten supermarkets for speeding in the aisles screaming 'I AM HERE FOR SOME CHICKEN'" that's when i heard everyone laughing with me too. But then just like that, the bell rang. "Ok uncle might let's get this over with i wanna spend time with ni-san!" I pouted. "Ok follow me little (y/n), you too young Midoria" and the door we left.

In Almight's office, we could see the steamy water rise. Tea time! No, i gotta get out of here! "Ok, let's get down to business" that's when we heard a knock on the door. I got up and checked who it was. "Ni-san what's wrong?" I was curious about why he followed us here. "Well, you said you made my lunch right?! I came to pick it up." He gave a toothy smile and i returned it. "Oh right, but i was gonna give it to you when i got back." I was about to get his lunch but then he laughed. "Oh ok, ill wait at my table and get us drinks. What do you want (y/n)-chan?" "I'll have strawberry lemonade or iced green tea, k?" Eiji nodded and walked away. Looked at Almight and sighed. "Now back to business. Midoria Izuku i already know that you are Almight's successor but at this rate that you going, you just breaking yourself." He looked sad and guilty. "Almight you can't just expect for his body to just adjust to the given quirk and you should have contacted me about this sooner." I sighed. "Midoria you are gonna train with me after school today and tomorrow, i already have an idea in mind but i want you to try to figurer out a solution. I'll give you a hint, every state smash Almight has is different. I want you to figure out how. I want a full answer when we meet at ground beta. Have your PE uniform ready." I looked at me at first his eyes had a look of disbelief but then they overflowed with determination. I smirked knowing that progress is going to be made. I took off the top level of the bento and placed the lid on the second level. "Here uncle might, i brought you lunch. And stop getting jealous when i feed others and before you!" I huffed and walked out with the last three layers of my bento.

I arrived at the cafeteria and noticed a lot of people are here. I couldn't find ni-san and i started to worry. Then i felt a hand grab my shoulder. It was a blond boy, he looked kinda phyco if you ask me. "Hahaha class 1-a's newby is lost. You are stupid thinking that you are better than us just because you're in 1-a." I felt hurt and angered but i took a deep breath and out. "Look i don't know who you are nor i want to know, but id be careful how you talk to me. You don't know me. SO DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" I indeed got the attention of the people but i didn't care. I pushed off his hand and kept walking until he stopped on one of my tails. That is it!. "What THE ACTUAL HELL!!!" I got up to his face and slapped him across his dumbass face. "YOU DO NOT STOMP ON SOMEONE'S TAIL ON PURPOSE!! THAT IS RUDE AND PERVERTED!!!" I huffed then ni-san showed up followed by Mina, Kaminari, Sero, and a laughing Bakugou. "Ni-san!!" I went to him and held the tail the guy had stepped on. "It's fractured," i said in a soft voice and tears were visible through the corners of my eyes, he must have used his quirk. Ni-san reaction changed into a ragging daemon. Bakugou stopped laughing and looked angrier than usual resting face. Mina, Kaminari, and Sero looked worried. Suddenly i felt that Bakugou and ni-san have opened the gate to hell. On ho. That blond dude kept laughing like a maniac. "Wow, shes in 1-a and she's weak!" I looked down at my tail and felt rage wanting to consume me. "Guys let's go," i said with a bit of anger, but Kirishima and Bakugou didn't fuzz, i let go of my tail and gently put a hand on both their shoulders. "Please let's just go." But then that blond boy spoke again. "Huh, it seems like your also a slut. Already wrapping boys on your fingers on your first day." I let go of them. "On second thought, Bakugou, ni-san do what you want ill go with mina and calm down." I felt ni-san put a hand on my shoulder, "Sis, ill set this one out. Bakugou have fun" ni-san waved him off and next thing we know. Bakugou blasted the guys face. "I say its fucking best to shut the hell up. We take care of each other. Meaning that if you fuck with one of us, you fuck with all of us. Now scram you damn extra!" I looked at Bakugou in awe and then back at ni-san. And he had a smirk. Oh no. I don't like that look on his face, and a sudden chill ran down my spine.

Eventually, lunch ended and Eiji and i ended up shearing our bento with the 'Bakusquad' they were funny and nice to be around. I loved it. Well until Bakugou dragged me into the recovery girl's room to get my tail patched up.

The school day finally ended and i started packing Mina came up to me with her mischievous smile. "Sooooo, Asuna. What do you think about Bakugo? I got flustered and look away. "His cool, kinda scary but nice in his own way." I backed up a bit and that's when Midoria came back. "Asuna-san let's go. Almight might be waiting for us!" Ohh i forgot. "Oh, that true!! Let's go!" I grabbed his arm and sped us to ground beta but no Almight. "Well, we might at well go in," I said and we both turned to the artificial city. Then we heard a crash land "I AM HERE"  uncle handed us PE uniforms "Now go change" i disappeared and reappeared with my uniform one. And both boys look shocked. "Come on Izu get ready" i pushed him to a building closest to us. "IZU?!!! Ahhh...ah i..i..im...g..g.g.oing" he freaked out and ran away. Then me and uncle might chuckled at Izu's reaction.

When Izu came out i asked him for my response. "Well, the difference in each smash is the strength he puts behind it. Making his 'Unites States smash' the strongest one he has, but now with this help?" "I'm glad you asked, you keep using YOUR quirk as if your just borrowing it. But it's yours. Think of it as your own. Now, instead of focusing on having it on one specific area let your quirk flow through your whole body. But start low, at 2% then slowly built on that." I stated. "Right! Here goes." Then thin lightning bolts surrounded his body. I smiled at the improvement. "Now attack me" he came at but i can tell he's using more power, and this would result in a broken arm from him. I picked up my arms to block him, i which i did, and bam i was right. "IZUKU!!!!!!YOU ARE USING MORE THAN WHAT  YOUR BODY CAN HANDEL!!!!!!" he looked at his broken arm and tears crept into his eyes. I engulfed him in my scarlet like light and heald him. I picked him up and locked our gaze. "I am not giving up on you do not go over 5%, now do it again." I stopped my quirk and stepped back. He came at me again. But maintain his power level. I blocked again and dogged his second attempt. I gave a punch in his stomach with the same speed and strength as him. "That is how your blows should feel," i told him as he flew off. I smiled and bowed. "Thanks for coming it seems like you understand the concept of your training. I'll see you two tomorrow. Almight you are to continue his training like this so that he won't get injured badly. Now you two will continue training until Izu masters his power at 5%" i grabbed my book bag and disappeared and reappeared at home.

I took a shower and went to sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be my first official day, i think. Today was mostly stalking off and of course the fight. Well, tomorrow will be a new day, and a chance to see Bakugou. I blushed and smiled at the thought of him taking me to recovery girl after defending me from that guy.....Monoma. I guess. As of today, i have a new hero!. I slowly drift off to sleep with a spiky blonde in mind.

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