Chapter 10 - Bickering Days

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[A/N: I hope the story is still okay for you guys. Thanks for reading ^^]

"Jess, is it true?" Tiffany halted her friend in front of the washroom.

"What?" Jessica turned around to face her, sounding rather irritated.

"Did you set her up with the magazine?"

"You were in class. It was clearly Yuri who reported it." Jessica retorted, leaning against the wall while crossing her arms.

"Didn't you just say it was Taeyoon's fault that Yuri got in trouble in the cafeteria? Now you are saying it's clearly Yuri. Just what happened?" Tiffany asked, expecting an answer from her best friend.

"Are you suspecting me?"

Tiffany looked at her friend with disappointment in her eyes, that was not at all what she intended. "I am not suspecting you; I just want to know what happened. Why would Yuri suddenly have the real magazine? Do you and Yul have something against Taeyoon?"

"What? Why are you siding with her?? Are you saying that I did something??"

"This has nothing to do with siding with anyone! Since it's too much of a coincidence, can't you give me a..."

"See!? You ARE suspecting me." Jessica said, her voice started sharp but faded into a firm whisper. "It doesn't matter. I will prove to you that she is not worth your time." After that Jessica propped herself off of the wall and walked away from Tiffany.



"Ahhh! Finally, the day's almost over." Taeyeon laid back on her chair in the library. Tiffany asked her to accompany her studying and she promised her not to ask her too many questions. And Taeyeon agreed because she had nothing to do at home anyways.

Tiffany was impressed by how Taeyeon handled the stolen magazine incident, but she was still curious.

"I am just curious why did you tell Mr. Lim that it was Jessica's idea? Only Yuri told on you, and she was the one with the actual magazine."

"Because it was originally her idea and Yuri is just her minion."

"I think you are pretty stupid." Tiffany decided to tease her, something to take her mind off of the eventful day. Not to mention that she just had the first serious argument with her best friend in ages.

"What? Why? It's not like she can deny it anyway." Taeyeon argued.

"What's even more stupid is you made Mr. Lim reward Jessica for helping her friend get in trouble, now you are just going to make her hate you even more! You are lucky Jessica didn't come up with anything to say."

"What could have she said?"

"What if she told the teacher that she found it after school and couldn't hand it to Mr. Lim at the time? Doesn't that negate your argument of her not handing it in earlier?"

"That's why I wrote that message and explained it." Taeyeon pouted at the pretty girl's accusations.

"And didn't you say you didn't have proof that it was Jessica's idea? What if she denied that too? Wouldn't that make your 'message' baseless and make it seem that you are making a fool out of Mr. Lim?"

"But it didn't end up that way!" Getting grumpier by the second, Taeyeon frowned at Tiffany's supposed teasing. "I haven't thought about those yet...I don't know, at least it will keep me from getting bored at school. I am pretty surprised that dumb Yuri didn't sell her out." Taeyeon slouched in her chair.

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