Chapter 30 - Confessions Gone Right

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After a while, the news of Taeyeon passing out in the storage room spread around the school. Several students spoke fun of her, saying she tried to cheat because of her recent poor performance and was nearly kicked out of the gifted program. Others thought she had always been cheating but had always gotten away with it.

However, due to Tiffany's idea of her being a tutor, a handful of people defended her. They said there was no way that she needed to cheat. Luckily one of them saw Yuri walking outside the classroom with Taeyeon's notebook since Taeyeon had it out when tutoring them. In addition to that, they defended Taeyeon, saying there is no way a relatively new student knew where the exam was or where the key was. One teacher also pointed out that Yuri went to the office to ask for information she was never interested in before.

Jessica was standing outside of their classroom when the students protested. She felt resentful at first that Taeyeon seemed to always get the way she wanted. Students used to support nobody but her, and Taeyeon managed to change everything. But that same look turned into a sullen pout the more she listened, hearing some students still used the stolen magazine incident to judge Yuri. If Yuri were to get expelled now, this would definitely be one of the biggest regrets of her high school career. So, she decided to at least come clean and not suffer the guilt.

Will she still be able to get into college after? Or even graduate? She didn't give it a second thought because her best friend was suffering for her.


Taeyeon smiled and gave a small wave towards Jessica, making the latter roll her eyes with a scoff.

"Jessica, care to explain?" The principal asked her.

"I was the one who trapped Taeyeon inside the storage room," Jessica stated simply, hoping they would make this easy for her.

The principal gave the matter a thought before answering. "But I have heard different from many students that they saw Yuri with her notebook, and no one said they saw you. And the only person who went to the office was Yuri within the past week."

Jessica took a deep breath, knowing there was no taking her words back after this. "I made her do it. I know Yuri always follows my lead, so I asked her to do it."

"And why would you do that? What do you have against her?"

Jessica glanced at Taeyeon, and for the first time in her life, she found it hard to open her mouth. "I don't like the way she looks at me. I just don't like her!" She babbled, unsure of what to say.

"I don't believe that sounds very convincing. Jessica, your father, has very high expectations for you; please consider what you are saying here very carefully."

Jessica heaved a sigh and told the teachers that she had a grudge against Taeyeon for taking her rank one spot. Then admitted that the magazine incident was her doing. During that incident, she asked a girl to steal the magazine for her. And she told them her name for them to confirm.

Taeyeon knew that trapping her inside the storage room wasn't Jessica's doing. But she could see that The latter really cares for Yuri, so she kept her mouth shut.

Both of the adults heaved a heavy sigh at the current events. They have no choice but to call the parents in for a meeting.

The meeting is going smoothly. Mr. and Mrs. Im was surprised that Taeyeon got in trouble with Jessica. They were worried about what Jessica's family would think of them, fearing that the wealthier family may not be friendly towards them for their daughter's involvement. Mrs. Im believes that they should not worry since Jessica is in the wrong. They shouldn't act against them if they are rational and reasonable people. But Mr. Im was worried the whole time that they might turn faces. Who knows what excuse they may come up with?

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