Part 2🪄

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"David did you see that" she glanced over at him confused "hm? What do you mean Gwen?" She walked over to the window "I swear if that little shit max is watching us again I-" she was cut off by David hugging her "it's fine Gwen, even if it is one of the the campers we're not doing anything bad anyways so" she looked at him and sighed "your right, I'm just being paranoid" he suddenly kissed her with no warning"paranoid or not, I still love you"

She felt uneasy about the person she saw outside the window, David was probably right, it didn't stop her from worrying. He  had noticed it from her facial expression "Gwen?" She looked up at him quickly due to being zoned out for a few minutes  "yeah?" He put his gentle hand on her shoulder "are you ok?"  *sigh* "yeah I'm fine, we should go wake up the campers anyways," they walked over to the door together 'what if it was max? Imagine him finding out about our relationship, we would be completely and utterly fucked, Gwen stop stressing yourself out, you don't want to have another fucking panic attack, not here not now,

"Good morning campers!" All he heard back from the campers was grumbles she kind of felt bad for David, the campers just don't appreciate him enough, she watched as the campers slowly walked out of their tents "I'll go get max for you" she crossed her arms as she walked over too his tent and opened it to see max still sleeping "max! Get tf up!" *groan* "do you have to be such damn bitch?" She rolls her eyes at the boy "at least I got you awake" he just glared at her "fuck off" 'whatever, I got him up for David so I have done my job,' she left his tent and went to meet up with David again, when she was about 12 feet from where he was standing she felt a suffer urge of utter sickness she clutched her stomach and put her hand over her mouth in an attempt to stop herself from throwing up 'whatever it's probably my anxiety acting up'
David saw this and ran over.

"Gwen! Are you ok" he had a worried tone in his voice "heh, yeah I'm fine I was just thinking too hard" David embraced her in a hug "I'm glad your ok." A smile crept along gwens face "I'll always be fine, I have to go on a call in the cabin. See you in 30?" He smiled at gwen and let her out of his firm grasp "sure!" She waved to David and started heading towards the cabin' I don't want him worried anyway,' when she entered the cabin she lasted down on the bed, 'ah shit' she got up and opened the drawer she kept her pills in, ... they weren't there ... "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" she mumbled looking through all of her belongings "FUCK!" She slammed her first down on the nightstand and fell to her knees on the verge of tears "w-where are they" suddenly David opened the door "Gwen are you-" he saw Gwen and instantly ran over to her and pug his hand on her back "Gwen-" she started sobbing and hugged David tightly "I-I can't find them!" She started hyperventilating in David's arms he held her close "what can't you find?" She took a deep breath "my pills"

He grabbed her hand gently "I'll help you find them once you feel better" Gwens mind started racing. Leading to an even darker mindset, she decided just to hold David close as she sobbed her eyes out, David put her hand to his chest "copy my breathing," she did as she was told, after a few minutes she was shaking less "thanks David.." he smiled at her "no problem. You should probably relax for the day," he picked her up and layed her on the bed where she slowly fell asleep...



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