The party

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Tw:drinking(just in case anyone gets triggered!)

Adoras POV:
I got ready for the party and then glimmer and bow picked me up! I was super excited I was mostly excited to see catra.... I wonder what she would wear I mean whatever she wears she'd would look hot anyway...STOP THINKING THAT ADORA! U DONT. LIKE. HER. ! Not like that' I mentally screamed at myself

(Time skip because I want to)
Bows pov:
We arrived at mermistas house and the first thing we saw when we got there was a lot of drunk people and a VERY drunk sea hawk. He was singing shanties like there was no tomorrow "IM GONNA GO GET US DRINKS" I yelled over the music " OK! ME AND GLIMMER WILL BE ON THE COUCH" Adora yelled as she and the love of my life walked over to couch

Catras POV:
Me Scorpia and entrapta arrived at mermistas house we could hear the music from outside. When we walked in we saw a lot of drunk people most of them were either dancing or passed out on the floor. I made my way over the to kitchen to get some drinks for me Scorpia and entrapta but then I saw adora sparkles and crop top I went over to say hi and have a drink "hey guys!" " HI CAtrAaaa" bow said clearly he was drunk- I looked at sparkles she seems a bit tipsy but she was fine I looked over to adora and she was also a bit tipsy " hi catraaa!" Adora said as she chugged another drink " hey adora chill out on the drinks!" " NAHHH I'll be FINEEEE!!" Adora said as she laughed and chugged another drink. ' this is gonna be fun...'
(Time skip)
Scorpias POV:
I was drinking my water on the couch because I don't drink and that's when I saw perfuma! " HEY PERFUMA!" I yelled "oh hi Scorpia!" "I-I just wanted to a-ask if u wanted to dance with me?" I said nervously "SURE! COME ONE!" " REALLY?!? OH- OK!!" I said as perfuma dragged me to the dance floor 'today was perfect.'

Catras POV:
At this point adora was REALLY DRUNK- she kept falling over herself and the laughed whenever she fell over. And guess what I had to take care of her! ME! And to make it worse I saw crop top and sparkles making out on the couch. 'UGHH EW!' I yelled in my head "hi catraaaaAa" adora slurred "hey adora" "y-your ReaLYyYyy PReTYyyyy" my face turned beat red "aww youR a kIttY ThATS NiCE" Adora said snorting " ok come on princess let's get you home!" " NO" Adora said I turned to look at her and then I picked her up bridal style and took her upstairs to mermistas room so she could sleep " ok princess u have to sleep ur WAY to wasted to drive or do anything" I said and right when I was about to walk out I heard adora say " NO KITTY STAY!" "U want me to stay-?" I asked " YES coME ONnnNnN" "ok ok fine" I climbed in the bed and cuddled with adora it felt.. nice. She made me feel safe and warm... but I can't be falling for her right?

"Hey catrAA I hSVe tO TeLl u sOmEThInG" "yeah what's up princess?" " I HaVe A Cru-." "Adora?" I turned around and saw she was dead asleep I gave her a kiss on the forehead " sleep well princess.."

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