Chapter 1 - Wedding Day

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"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

The words that most girls have dreamt of hearing, even I. But now standing at the altar, I feel robbed. Don't get me wrong, the venue is splendid. Everything about this wedding looks so fairy tale like and it is completely everything I ever wanted but I've been robbed of the chance of standing before the love of my life and saying my vows to him.

I brought it upon myself by agreeing to this crazy idea. I could picture the confusion and anger coming from my mother while sitting in one of the front seats looking at the bizarre scene before her. She must be disappointed in her only daughter. I feel disappointed in myself too.

My father, however, probably has a large smile plastered on his face. The minute he heard that I was marrying one of the Parker brothers, he saw a business opportunity. He doesn't even know which one is the love of my life. He doesn't know that the man standing before me is not the one I was supposed to be standing with.

Blake Parker. Twenty-four year old Co-CEO of The Parker Brothers. A billion dollar company that deals with selling buildings for profit and pressuring people to sell their land and companies to them. He is a lady's man and sure does love his booze. He has never liked me, probably thinks I'm after his brother's money which makes me think that he has a personality disorder considering that he is always against his brother.

I'm supposed to be standing with Steven Parker before the pastor and on the altar. He is the one I was supposed to say my vows to. He is the one that was supposed to slip in the expensive well designed ring with the words 'My heart beats to your name.' onto my finger. But he is not, why? Because his on a business trip on our wedding day!

He called me while I was putting on my wedding gown and told me how he can't make it but has a solution - his brother. Blake only agreed to this just so he can get major shares in the company and other things. Though he is benefiting from this, I still think there is more to it.

You should see my dressing area - trashed. How can your fiancé ask you to stand on the alter with his brother while he is somewhere doing only God knows what! And stupid me agreed to it after thinking about the cost and the disappointment on people's faces when they realize there is no weeding.

Like my father, people don't actually know which Parker brother was supposed to get married, which is why the wedding is going smoothly. But my conscience won't let me rest. Since from the moment I walked down the aisle with my father by my side to when I read my vows to Blake, I couldn't help but feel stupid and embarrassed.

Snapping back to reality, my eyes meet Blake's. He steps closer to me and cups my face. Just do as you and Steven planned and everything will be alright, I telepathically tell Blake. Steven and him made a deal that he will kiss my cheek instead of my lips, those are only for Steven.

But being the rebellious person he is, Blake presses his lips on mine. I was caught unprepared and due to the act I have to keep up I close my eyes and unconsciously dwell into the kiss. The way his lips fit into mine was just perfect which made my stomach twist both in guilt and a feeling only Steven is able to make me feel.

Blake pulls away after biting my lower lips and as people start clapping and making whistles. I try to not look at him but fail miserably and look at those brown eyes and devious smile. If only people knew what kind of a sick person lies behind that face.

The pastor shakes our hands and blesses us once again - if only he knew.

"Aria, what in God's name is going on here?" My mother asks while pulling me away from the preying eyes.

"Mom, I will explain to you tomorrow. Just please try to-"

"Don't you dare finish your sentence. I did not raise you up just so you could throw your morals away!"

"Shhhhhh," I place my hand on her lips to keep her quiet. "People are starting to stare, can we please talk about this tomorrow?"

"Fine! But you better have a good reason for all of this madness." She huffs and walks out on me, leaving her daughter frustrated not only in herself but with this whole day.

"How are you, wifey?" Blake comes from behind me with a glass of whisky in his hand.

"Not funny Blake. I'm Not Your Wife. I'm Steven's."

"Well where is he?" He turns his head from one direction to the other pretending to look for someone. "Oh that is right, he is not here and the one wearing the husband ring is me. So whether you like it," he moves closer to me, invading my space. "Or not, fact remains that I'm currently your husband." He takes a sip from his glass and winks at me.

"Why are you really doing this? To help Steven and I because I know how that is a big fat lie."

"You're right. I would never help Steven, he is a dick. But you on the other hand," he looks at me from head to toe and up again. "You're way too beautiful to be left on the aisle so I can break a few rules for you here and there."

It took me a lot of strength not to wipe the smile on Blake's face with a slap but I held back. Don't let him ruin your day.

Smiling at him, I take the glass from his hand and take a huge gulp of the bitter whiskey which burns my throat instantly but I try not to show it. "Let's just get done with this." I drop the glass into his hand, "and before I forget, never kiss me again Blake." I turn my heel and walk away from the laughing devil behind me.


I throw myself on the large empty hotel bed. What was the point of booking at one of the best hotels only to spend the night alone?

Sighing, I strip out of my wedding gown and into my nightgown. I take out my bible from my suitcase and kneel down.

"Father Lord, I thank you for today. I thank you that my family was able to spend this day with me and that things went smoothly. I would like to apologize for the madness I just brought upon myself. This day was not supposed to go the way it went which I'm ashamed of for I defied how a wedding should be done. I came before you with a man that isn't the one I am in love with. I kissed another man on the alter and the worst part is I reacted to it. May you forgive me of my sins and help me to make things right. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen." I stand up from the bed and throw myself on the bed again.

I still have one chance to make things right. The signing of the marriage license. And all of this will be a story I tell my grandchildren. Sighing, I switch off the lights and get into the sheets. One chance.

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