Chapter 2 - Whose Wife?

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Waking up to realize that there is no body occupying the space next to you can be heartbreaking, especially if it's supposed to be your honeymoon.

Walking from the bathroom to the balcony after taking a shower, I take in the beautiful island we are in. From a distance, I could see the blue ocean waves and the numerous green tress surrounding the area. I take a deep breath in and I'm instantly hit with the fresh non-polluted air. I might as well enjoy my time here, I think.

Walking back to the room, I change into my spring floral dress that Steven loves so much. What changed between us exactly? The Steven that kept on bothering me for two weeks straight just so that I could go on a date with him five years ago isn't the Steven I know now. He is no longer the guy that made time for me no matter what and definitely is not the guy that couldn't leave me alone in the same room as his brother. But now he is so comfortable with it that he even asked me to stand in the alter with Blake! The thought continues to make me feel even more stupid the day after.

Don't think about it, just try to enjoy your time here.

I'm right, I should just focus on this lovely island. Now finished with fixing myself, I take my room card and leave the honeymoon suite. Mother and I made plans to spend a few hours together, since she has to go back home and fix some few things.

Stepping into the spa, I am met with the most beautiful woman ever - my mother. I believe that she used to be a model in her days even though she denies it. Like the way her curves fit in her well maintained fit body, she is just amazing. And her face! Don't let me get started on my mother's face. She has a perfect jawline- Angelina Joey type. With the perfect eyes which I inherited from her - sky blue eyes. The same ones that made me fall for Steven when I realized how he had the same eye color as mine.

"Mother!" I run up to her and even though she is mad, she hugs me nevertheless.

"Let's go to the steam room, I want to yell at you properly without disturbance." She throws the hotel's white gown at me and walks into the steam room.

"So Aria, tell me what in the world is going on!" Where is Steven?" Mother yells before I could get comfortable and I could see the steam coming from her and trust me, it's not the one caused by the steam room.

"Mom it's really complicated."

"Complicated! Don't you dare use that word on me. You just don't want me telling you how stupid you are."

"Fine. I will tell you what is going on but promise not to kill Steven."

"Will you just tell me what is going on and straight from the beginning before I slap some sense into you because it looks like you need it."

With mother staring at me so angrily but with huge worry on her face, I tell her what happened. Starting from the moment I got a call from Steven.

"Babes why are you calling? You're going to see me just a few minutes from now, don't worry." I smile and try to focus on putting on the diamond earrings he got for me and asked that I wear on our special day.

"That is the problem. I won't be able to make it today-"

My heart hits the ground and shatters the same moment my phone does. This- this can not be happening. I tell myself and could feel the room getting smaller as if trying to squeeze the living out of me.

"Babes?! Aria?" I hear Steven's voice from my phone that is lying on the white fluffy carpet.

I pick it up rapidly, "what do you mean Steven?!"

"Look before you start getting really mad, just know I have a solution okay. I talked to my brother and after a very lengthy conversation and business deals he agreed to stand in as me and keep the wedding going. I had to leave for a business meeting which is out of the country." He talks as if choosing a business deal over me is not a big of a deal.

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