Chapter 3 - Effects Of The Love Bird

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Don't you just love the sound of ocean waves? How they are able to create a violent but calm sound. I am a huge fan of nature because it makes feel much closer to God which gives me a lot of peace.

I can remember the days I used to walk with Steven down the beach and had actual fun. Now, however, I'm strolling alone at the island's beach while the water tries to comfort me.

Mother and I finished our breakfast hours ago and ever since, I have been visiting some known spots that are amazing! I came across this known restaurant that does not serve small fancy portions of food. Which is why I ate a very large pizza. It almost covered the whole of my table. I had to pay myself back for all those food I refused just so that I can fit into my wedding gown.

With the sun setting, I walk back to the hotel with a very calm soul. The receptionist greets me warmly and hands me a a rectangular small box and roses that came while I was out. Reaching for the card, my heart dances at the sight of the handwriting.

I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me🖤 - Steven

Unable to hide the blush on my face, I run up the long stairs and straight into the suite. I pop into my bed and keep on reading the card over and over again. Picking up my phone, I decide to call him.

"Hey babe." His charming voice fill my left ear.

"Hey, I got the roses and gift." I say excitedly.

"Well do you like the gift?"

"I haven't opened it yet. I wanted to open it while listening to your voice." I bite my thumb and blush a lot.

"Well go ahead. It's just a token to show you how sorry I am for making you agree to this mess."

"We will talk about that when you get back." I reach for the box and open it slowly, only to have my eyes hit with a very expensive diamond necklace. "Ah...Steven?"

"Yeah, do you like it? I bought it the exact moment I laid my eyes on it. I knew it would look perfectly on you plus considering the fact that you rarely wear necklaces."

I do like it but there is one slight problem, "don't you remember that my neck reacts insensitively to necklaces? Which means I never wear them."

"It not fake Aria. It won't do anything to your flawless skin."

"I know it's expensive but that won't stop my neck from getting an irritation!" I feel my voice once again getting louder. I start feeling stupid again for actually believing for a moment that things were going back to normal.

"Well what do you want to do with it now?" He asks very irritated.

"I don't know but I sure know that I'm not going to wear it. And buying me things won't just make all of this disappear!" I scream into the phone and drop the call immediately.

"Hand it to Steven for being so good at making me frustrated." I let out a large groan and blow the hair from my face in a lot of frustration.

Looking at the necklace once again, I close the box and put it on the table. I take a shower and get into some comfy clothes and decide to now explore the hotel.

Turns out that there are a lot of fun activities going on in the hotel. I found myself in the photography activity which is quiet great. We were asked to capture the island's rare multicolored bird that is believed to bring true love to those that set their eyes upon it. It is also believed that nighttime is the time that it is most likely to be found. So here I am turning the hotel upside down trying to find a bird. But currently I'm in a room that the manager never bothered to tell us about. It has a very very beautiful view and is surrounded by trees which might attract the bird.

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