⁶°|It Begins|(CATFA)

14 1 0

Smashing sounds filled the air but I couldn't pin point where any of them would be coming from, the pain that I was feeling on my shoulder made it almost impossible to do anything else other than cry.

Steve's voice rose above it all, rushing to help Doctor Erskine who was laying a couple of feet away from me. Before I was able to call for either of them, I was forcibly pulled upwards by my left arm by one of the men responsible for this.

A cold something was pushed against my side, the pain overshadowing any fear that I could be feeling in that moment.

Whoever was holding me, dragged me all the way into the streets, using me as a human shield from everyone. Even when the lady at the front pulled out a gun.

Momentarily, he dropped me to the ground in order to grab her gun after cutting her down. My failed attempt at moving away from the scene led the man to grab the back of my shirt, pulling me up, making me his shield again.

Once outside and sure that he was able to escape, the man left me on the curb, bleeding as I had been the entire time.

Everything around me was moving both too fast and too slow for me to process. I began to feel light-headed and my eyes involuntarily began to close and my breath slowed down.

Before I completely lost consciousness, I saw Steven standing over me. I couldn't hear a word that he spoke to me and with all of my strength I muttered, "Go get him."His expression seemed incredibly puzzled but someone made sure he ran off. By now, he knew not to question me but I could tell he didn't want to leave me there. He needed to make himself believe I would be okay and that someone would help me.

That someone was Howard. Softly, he lifted me off the ground, asking me questions as he placed me inside the nearest car. Desperately trying to keep me awake, he was trying to keep me sitting upright next to him but it was useless, my head hit his lap and as everything became a blur, my eyes closed and everything went away. For the time being at least.

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