Chapter 2- Memories

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TW: self harm, abuse/rape

Emily's POV:
As I get up from the couch my head spins and I just want to go to sleep and forget about everything. JJ follows me. "JJ this isn't your problem it isn't fair to you. I'll be okay just go home and get some sleep it's almost midnight." I tell her. "Em you're crazy if you think that I'm going to leave you here alone. I'm staying." I didn't try and fight her on this. I know I said that she could leave but secretly I wanted her to stay. I wanted her company right now.

"You can borrow some comfier clothes" I say. "I'm going to take a shower." JJ gives me a slight smile before starting to look through my dresser. She had slept over my place before so sharing a bed wasn't weird for us. She was my best friend. Just a friend...

I turn on the shower and wait for it to warm up. I stare at myself in the full length mirror. Now that I had taken my makeup off, you could easily see the black eye I had. I felt hideous. I was covered from head to toe in big blue and yellow bruises. Every part of my body hurt. As I saw each one I got a flashback to how it happened. How he punched me, and kicked me, and laughed as I screamed.

I get into the shower because I can't bear to look at myself anymore. As soon as I do I feel my arms sting. The water starts to turn slightly red. Every part of me hurt. My head, my arms, my legs, my stomach. I never wanted to be seen like this. Weak and ugly. When I was done I turned the shower off, sat on the floor and cried.

When the shower turned off I heard Emily crying. "Emily?" I say as I knock on the bathroom door. No answer. "I'm coming in." I walk into the bathroom and see Emily on the floor of the shower covered in bruises and scars. Without meaning to I let out a small gasp. "JJ get out. I'm disgusting to look at."she sobs. Even covered in bruises and sobbing on the bathroom floor, she was still the prettiest girl that I had ever seen. But she doesn't think about you like that. I tell myself. Before snapping back into the moment.

I don't leave the bathroom. I throw her a towel and then sit on the floor of the sopping wet shower behind her not caring that my clothes are basically soaked. I wrap my arms around her and hold her. She leaned back into my arms as she cried. "Your not disgusting." I whisper to her. "Your the most beautiful person in the world. It doesn't matter what's on your skin." My heart breaks at the thought of her alone all the nights before this.

Eventually Emily gets up off the floor and changes into sweats and a T-shirt. I also change because my clothes are now all wet. Emily gets into bed and I climb in after her. She lays her head on my chest and I gently stroke her hair. I kiss her head lightly and whisper "go to sleep."

Hey I don't know if anyone is actually ever going to read this but if you do I hope that you like it. I know this chapter was a bit shorter and I think the next chapter will be longer.

(Word count: 552)

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