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Raven Aizawa

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Raven Aizawa

Age; 15

Height; 5"7

Quirk(s); Darkness manipulation- Raven has the power to produce pure darkness from his body that resembles a viscous liquid or mist, and manipulates the element for a multitude of purposes.
Drawback(s); Raven's body would slowly start turning black, started at his feet before his body shut's down.

Telepathy- Raven is able to enter other people's minds, allowing him to call out to them for help, or even make aspects of their mind "come to life". He can also manipulate their minds with or without their consent, asserting complete control over their senses, memories, thoughts, and personality traits.
Drawback (s); Raven gets extreme headaches which often leads to nose bleeds when this quirk is overused.

Telekinesis- Raven can telekinetically move objects or other individuals without physically touching them.
Drawback (s); Raven's mind temporarily shuts down, leaving him a blubbering, tired, and adorable mess.

Relationship(s); Yuna Aizawa [mother]
??? ??? [father]
Izuku Midoriya [boyfriend]
Inko Midoriya [guardian/aunt]
Shota Aizawa [guardian/uncle]


Izuku Midoriya

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Izuku Midoriya

Age; 15

Height; 5"11

Quirk(s); Gravitational pull/push- Izuku can push/pull people and objects with an specific amount of force that only he can set set depending on a specific person or thing.

Pyrokinesis- Izuku can create and manipulate fire with his mind to preformed a multitude of purposes.
Drawback(s); Izuku's skin becomes extremely dry when he overused his quirk.

One for all- Izuku's stock piling quirk he received from All-might.
Drawback(s); When over used or recklessly, Izuku could break his bones.

Relationship(s); Inko Midoriya [mother]
Hisashi Midoriya [father]
Raven Aizawa [boyfriend]
Yuna Aizawa [guardian/aunt]


Yuna Aizawa

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Yuna Aizawa

Age; 46

Height; 5"7

Quirk(s); Chlorokinesis- Yuna can cause plants of all kinds to grow at a rapid rate simply by commanding them to do so, and can manipulate and animate them as she wishes.
Drawback(s); her skin turn green and becomes unbearably itchy when she overuses her quirk.

Toxikinesis- Yuna can create the most potently powerful floral toxins in Japan often these are secreted from her lips and administered via a kiss. They come in a number of varieties, from mind-controlling drugs to instantly fatal necrotics.
Drawback(s); Yuna starts to bleed from her eyes and mouth when she overuses this quirk.

Relationship(s); Raven Aizawa [son]
Inko Midoriya [best friend]
Izuku Midoriya [nephew]
Shota Aizawa [brother]


The art used in the fanfic isn't mine, credit goes to their owners.

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