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"What's your name?" He asked.

You just stared at him in awe for a few seconds before realizing he asked you something.

" It's Y/n." You said, kinda awkwardly. You didn't know why was he asking your name. That also in such an abrupt way, suddenly grabbing your hand and turning you around.

The guy hummed at your response, licking his lips as he replied, "Good. I'm Vernon. Nice to meet you." He said, staring at your eyes deeply and now gripping your palm instead of wrist while you look at everything but his eyes.

In the morning, when you had bumped into that unknown guy, you had thought those pair of eyes must be the most beautiful ones in this world but right now looking closely at these new transferee guys, standing in front of you made you realize that the earlier guy is not the only one with the most beautiful eyes. These three guys have the same pair of beautiful and deep ocean eyes.

You'd have dozed off for a more time if it weren't for someone from behind them clearing their throat and cutting the moment short.

All of you looked at the new person behind these three guys who stood there staring at Vernon's hand that held your palm.

And then suddenly it clicked on your brain that you again left him behind today.

'Oh no!'

"Uh Hyunjin, I'm...I...sorry ....I forgot to wait-"

"It's okay. It doesn't matter." He cut you off, taking a step closer.

Hyunjin glanced at the three guys whose expression changed as soon as he arrived as if he had just interrupted something really important and special.

Hyunjin didn't pay attention to their cold look and just looked at you, "Am I.... interrupting something?" He asked you softly.

You immediately shook your head, denying, "No. We were just-"

You were about tell Hyunjin that he wasn't interrupting anything, rather you are glad to see him but the guy holding your hand cut you off before you could even say any more words and tightened his hold around your hand. You frowned.

'What's with everyone today, cutting you off in the middle of your speech?'

"We were talking as you can see and you came just in the middle of it. So..." Vernon said, the corners of his lips tugging upward to create an innocent smile as he shrugged coolly. As if he just wasn't indirectly saying to the other guy about how he interrupted them.

Hyunjin narrowed his eyes at Vernon's implication, glaring slightly.

He slowly took a step closer and glanced at your hand. Without any second thought, he freed it from the guy's hold and gave them a tight smile, "Well, the class is over, isn't it? And we still have other classes to attend to. So if you please excuse my friend here and let us get going. Thank you very much."

And with that he didn't even wait to see the three guys' reaction. He just held your wrist in his hand tightly and pulled you with him outside to go to the next class.

You just silently abided by his words and moved along with him, not wanting to make the situation any more messy.

But since you just left the three new students standing there all alone without any guidance to how to move around in this school, you felt guilty.

'What if they don't find their next class? Do they know the ways around here and other places of this school?' you thought inwardly, feeling worried.

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