Chapter 2 Teased

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When Mikey was in his room he still could overhear his brothers "WHY IS MIKEY SO STUDIED...I SWARE SOME TIMES I WONDER IF MIKEY HAS A BRAIN AT ALL LIKE REALLY HES SO STUPID HE NEVER LEARNS IN ONE SIDE OUT THE OTHER WITH HIM...I MEAN I CANT BE THE ONLY ONS WHO THINKS THAT MIKEYS DUMMER THEN A BUG RIGHT?!?!" Raph yelled so loud Mikey could hear him and probley the rest of New York City. Leo knew his little brother didn't really mean any harm but they did tell him just a few days ago no useing the t-pod in battle. "You know Raph for the first time your right I mean Mikey isn't the smartest or have any cominsenes" Leo said a little angrily. Do they really think Iam stupid? I stupid! Iam tottly useless! Mikey thought to him self. Mikey cryed and didn't come out of his room for the rest of the day. Latter that day when Donnie was awake. "Anyone seen Mikey?" Donnie asked "Not sense Raph yelled at him" Leo said kinda in a worried tone. Raph wasn't really paying attention cause he was reading a comic. "He's probably playing with his action figures." Raph said. Then there was a silances in the room but the silances was interrupted by quite whimpering noise comeing from Mikey's room "You guys hear that?" Donnie asked "Yea sounds like crying and it sounds like its comeing from Mikey's room!!?" Leo said more worried then before. They all ran to Mikey's door and knocked. "Mikey? You ok?!?!" They all yelled."Yea...dudes Iam...fine" Mikey lied and also tried not to sound like he was cry be. "You sure Mikey you sound like you were crying want to talk?" Leo asked. Mikey didn't answer Leo's question Mikey began to think to him self why do they want to talk to a stupid dummy like me? Iam not even worth there time. Leo asked the question again but again there was no answer

Dark Secret (this story does have a serous moral and plot to it that will be talked about at the end)Where stories live. Discover now