Chapter 7 Not good enuff

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As the week porgiesed Mikey's cuts got bigger. One day on patrol Leo and Donnie notes Mikey hadn't said anything at all. Raph wasn't paying attention though "Mikey you ok? You hadn't said anything at all" Leo asked Mikey didn't say anything he just nodded "you sure?" Leo asked again Mikey again just nodded. On the way home the team spotted the same Purple Dragons from earlier only this time they were at TCRI "Hay guys look it's the same Purple Dragons as before" Leo said "Well what the heck are they doing at TCRI" Raph asked in a kinda sarcastic tone "Well what ever it can't be good" Leo said. So the team went to spy on the Purple Dragons. "Did the one known as Sredder send you the ones known as Purple Dragons to get the mutigen?" One of the kranng said "Yea" one of the Purple Dragons "Great so now the kranng ,Purple Dragons, and Sredder are working together?!" Raph said angrily "Ok Raph and me will take out the kranng Mikey and Donnie you go after the Purple Dragons." Leo said. Mikey just looked at the ground and didn't say anything. Leo and Raph went after the kranng and Mikey and Donnie went after the Purple Dragons. Mikey tried to not use the arm he's been cuting to fight because it was still sour but that didn't help his fighting so he used that arm anyway. The Purple Dragons were getting away in a van again but Mikey had his skate bord this time so when the van left Mikey got his skate bord and went after them "Mikey were are you going!?!" Donnie yelled but Mikey didn't answer. Mikey tried as hard as he could to keep up but they were getting away. Mikey remembered he also had his garbling hook on him too so Mikey amed it at the van and shot it the hook grabbed on to the van and Mikey tried to pull him self forward with the rope but one of the Purple Dragons used a knife to cute the end of the rope sending Mikey flying back into the wall of a building hitting his head so he blacked out

Dark Secret (this story does have a serous moral and plot to it that will be talked about at the end)Where stories live. Discover now