chapter 12 - memory

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"It's been a long while, [Y/N]

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"It's been a long while, [Y/N]."

Looking at the pink-haired girl, you remembered just how you remembered her.


"[N/N]~, how are you feeling today~?" an upbeat voice hung, strutting into your room. You didn't respond, instead clinging to your bed covers.

"No response? That's okay! Here, I brought you a drink!" The girl handed you a small cup, and you slowly took it. You didn't dare drink it, though. instead. you just stared at her. She sweatdropped.

"Anyway, I brought a buncha fun things! Since, you know, you don't have alot of toys or anything." She said, whipping out a sketchbook and colorful crayons. You, once again, just stared at her.

She tilted her head at the reaction. "Um, this is a sketchbook! And, these are crayons!" She said happily. "You can use them to draw."

You looked at the sketchbook as she passed it to you, and held it closely. She handed you a crayon, and you took it, and looked at her confused.

"Here, how about this!" The girl took the crayon from your hands and began to write something. '[Y/N]'

"This is how you spell your name! And this is how you spell mine!" She said, writing down 'M-I-W-A.'

"M-My..n—ame..?" You stuttered, repeating her words.

"Yeah, here. I'll help you!" She said, before taking your hand and placing a crayon in it. You flinched a bit, as she helped you direct your hand to write out your name.

The two of you drew for a bit til Miwa was called away. After she left, you just sat, the sketchbook in your hands held close to your chest.


"How is she?" The older woman, Ichigo, asked. "She's not opening up much. She's still pretty afraid." Miwa replies, sighing. "I'm not good with kids! Why do I have to babysit?" The girl asks, waving her hands up and down.

"You're one of the youngest members, therefore she'll probably connect more with you." Ichigo smiled. "If she has a friend, she'll be easier to deal with." Miwa pouted at that.

"Shisui is my age. Why not him?" Ichigo rolled her eyes, placing a paper down. "He's...him. I don't trust him enough."

The two leave the room, Miwa following after Ichigo like a lost puppy. The younger girl didn't really know where she was going, so following after Ichigo seemed fun enough.

"Why are you following me?" Ichigo turned on her heel, looking straight at her. Miwa flinched back a bit, before smiling. "I've got nothing else to do." She shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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