❅i, chetyre.❅

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"Do you believe us now?"

 "How many others?"



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TW: Death/Suicide are depicted and described in this chapter. ❅┊❅ This signals both the start and end of the triggering content. -Sincerely, Bee.


"No time for answers. Move it Natalia!" This was the first instance where Astraea had called Natasha something other than her last name. The redhead saw it as a good thing but the blonde, who had spent nearly two weeks with the brunet knew it was purely for mocking purposes. It wasn't necessarily the best time to banter as they were running and dodging bullets but Natasha seemed to be the only person to know that.

As the group headed toward their bikes, they had noticed a Widow was pursuing them. The only way to escape the mind controlled woman and make it across the alley was to use what looked like a water tower as a high jump stick. Yelena latched onto it first, looking for the bolt that held it to the side of the building as Natasha, Astraea and sadly, the Widow caught up with her.

The blonde waited for all three of them to be on before she started kicking, the others joining her. Their joint effort was enough to have the metal tower collapsing before the Widow could join or hurt them. None the less, she still jumped to try and reach them. Natasha being the 'sympathetic' person she was grabbed her outstretched hand only for her to start stabbing at the redhead.

Inevitably, she fell into the flooded alley, taking the redhead with her. As the tower fell into the building, Yelena and Astraea crashed through a window and Natasha to the floor where the other Widow laid incredibly injured, most likely paralyzed from the drop. The blonde took a second to recover but the brunette didn't need to, grabbing the vials from the others' bag to try and help another widow.


Astraea as Oksana tried their hardest to reach the others before anything went wrong but after falling down a few stairs from being disorientated, they failed. When they walked over, half of Ingrid's face was burned off and Natasha had a stunned expression on her as she kneeled over the younger girls' dead body. Both Astraea and Yelena recognised Ingrid, they were in the same group once even though Ingrid was many years younger than the others.

When the blonde finally followed their 'friend' down the stairs she opted out of comforting the woman that kneeled over a corpse, instead, putting her hand out, signalling she wanted the vials which Astraea quickly handed to her.

After the vials were secure in her bag again, she looked over at the redhead who had finally noticed them and spoke. "Do you believe us now?" Yelena's words were joined by the overly deep frown she did whenever she was trying not to cry even though, neither would really fault her for shedding a tear or two, an old friend of hers just killed herself in front of them.

Natasha nodded a 'yes' to the blonde's question and decided to ask her own. "How many others?" Astraea grabbed Yelena's elbow to walk away before they responded for her. "Enough." The redhead took a second to look at the dead widow before following the others towards their bikes.


As they approached the two Spitfire scramblers, Yelena searched through her duffle bag for her keys before looking up to see them in her 'sisters' hand and the brunet already sat down and turning on their engine. "Ах сука." Just as the blonde cursed out at the thief a red car was launched into a building by a gigantic tank-like vehicle.

Instead of jumping onto her own bike with Natasha, Yelena trusted that Astraea would be a better driver, purely because she had seen them drive before. With the blonde securely holding onto their waist, the brunette began to drive off, letting the other to follow, their helmets abandoned beside the bike locks.

The tank behind them demolished anything in its path and it would do the same to them so both Astraea and Natasha sped up to try and lose it. Suddenly, a van drove into the alley they were driving down, giving them a chance to escape down a narrow hallway, leaving the tank to crash into the navy van.

They returned to the main road, which was not a good idea as it would put a lot of people in danger but they didn't really have any other choice. It was either that or drive into a building. It didn't take long for them all to realise that there was another motorcycle following them, a smarter widow who wore a helmet. 

Astraea drove against the traffic and the others followed, Yelena tried to use a pistol to shoot out the Widows' tyres but before she could line up the shot her driver swerved through some cars, making her lose a small bit of balance and have to latch her and back onto their waist. The widow simply took a shortcut, aka using a car as a ramp.

Just as the widow began to shoot at them, Astraea lead them to the train tracks, where a train was passing, leaving the widow to be stuck behind it and the bullets to be blocked. What both Astraea and Natasha didn't notice was the wall in front of them that they inevitably crashed into, flinging them all out onto the street bellow to continue the chase on foot, or not.

Yelena recovered quickly as she rolled over a blue BMW. The cars' driver stepped out to see if they were okay but before he could finish his sentence the blonde pulled out the pistol she tried to use and pointed it at him, getting into the car.

The redhead followed immediately but not before chastising her. "You can't just steal a guy's car." Both the blonde and the brunet rolled their eyes at the former assassin and continued to slip into the car, the prior into the passenger seat and the latter into the back. "So you want me to chase him down and un-steal it?" Yelena's sarcasm wasn't appreciated in their current predicament but nonetheless, Astraea had to hold back a slight chuckle before realising they were in the middle of a chase and urging the Black Widow to drive.

"Anytime soon would be good Natalia." Their comment was met with the woman in question crashing the car into another car again before driving forward, away from the widow on the motorbike who had to wait for the train to pass. Natasha muttered to herself for the shapeshifter to 'shut up' before the glass in the roof to be shot out.

"Poor guy, I hope his insurance covers that."


A/N: Guys, I'm so sorry for the hiatus, I had to get tested and was too nervous to write (came back negative, phew). I'm also sorry, this chapter is really shit but I had to post something. Anyways, I ADORE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU BEAUTIFUL, FANTASTICAL, ASTOUNDIGN BEINGS BECAUSE YOU DESERVE LOVE AND APPRECIATION. DON'T FORGET TO EAT FOOD, DRINK WATER, SLEEP AND TAKE YOUR MEDS.

-Sincerely, Bee.

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