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five: surfing nights

"So y'all telling me this is the firearm Rafe Cameron killed Peterkin with?" Shoupe asked

The four pogues were now at the Sheriff station talking to Shoupe trying to get him to buy their story, this time with proof.

"That's exactly what we're telling you" JJ nodded

"And the exact same firearm that Ward just used to kill Gavin" Pope explained too

"And where's that corpse again?" Shoupe asked them

"Didn't you look?" Kie asked him

"I checked the hospital, I went by his house, he was out" Shoupe explained

"Out? No, he wasn't out" Blake exclaimed

"No shit! 'Cause he's dead!" JJ exclaimed too

"Just because he's not in his damn home does not mean he was a victim of a homicide" Shoupe said trying to calm them all down

"You gotta be kidding" JJ said taking off his cap

"But Shoupe, doesn't it seem a bit weird to you? Like how could we make this all up? And even bring you proof!" the youngest Woods said

"Are you at least gonna send it in for ballistics or are you just gonna sit on your ass?" Kie asked desperately

"He'll sit there and wax that mustache. Is that even real?" JJ said angrily

"I'll wax this-

"Calm down, JJ" Blake stood up in front of her boyfriend when Shoupe started getting angry

"Get out. I got work to do" Shoupe opened the door for them

"Are you serious?" JJ sighed

"Y'all are smelling up my office" The Sheriff told them

"Did Ward bribe you? This doesn't make any sense" Kie told him making her way out of the office

"You ain't gonna do shit" JJ told him

"Out!" Shoupe exclaimed after him

"We brought you the murder weapon. There's no logical reason for you to send it in" Pope said. He and Blake were the only ones left inside the office

"Go with your friends" Shoupe told Pope "Woods" She was the only one left now

"I know you believe us, Shoupe" Blake started

"Join your friends" The Sheriff sighed

"You hate Ward as much as we do but you're the Sheriff, I get it, you can't do anything without proof, so here's the gun" she pointed at the firearm "You can at least look it up on the register, I'm sure it'll say it's Ward's and then just do your job, report Gavin missing and find his fucking body" the girl told Shoupe

"You like doing my job, Woods?" Shoupe asked her

"No, but someone has to do something" she replied

"I'll look in the register" Shoupe finally admitted "Now go with your friends and don't get me into any more trouble" he told her

"My mouth's sealed, Sheriff" Blake smiled when she walked out of his office

• • •

"This felt nice" Blake said placing her surfboard on the sand "We really needed a distraction for a bit" she added

"Yeah, we barely go surfing anymore" JJ agreed with her

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