18- The poison

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It had been a while since anything had happened at Hogwarts life was pretty normal. Over the Christmas Holiday I got to spend my time with the Weasleys and Remus popped by which resulted in me having to reveal yet another secret I had kept from my soulmates but they knew that I would tell them things eventually. Whether my hand was forced or not. Once we came back to school it was quite uneventful for a while. Well that is until this week.

The Gryffindor v Slytherin match was coming up meaning I got to spend virtually no time with Harry as seemingly he was constantly being rushed off to training by Wood or the twins. Not that I minded because the whole of Gryffindor seemed to buzz with an energy that had seemed to be irrelevant during these times of fear of Sirius Black. The match also meant that I got to spend more time with Hermione and Ron after their little spout of jealousy I decided to try to divide my time.
For example today- the time before lunch I dedicated my attention to Hermione. After that was Ron most of the time until dinner when Harry was almost definitely going to be there.  I hardly had lessons with all of them so it was whoever was in the lesson. So that solved that problem.

Anyway tomorrow is the match so for tonight I stayed in Ron and Harry's room to make sure that they got to sleep. Especially making sure to hide Harry's quidditch book because he needed to be able to spear his head for at least a small amount of time or he would be exhausted for the game. I kept my eye on Harry as I lay with Ron until he fell asleep, gently playing with the hair at the nape of his neck which made him move closer to me in his dreary state. It took less than five minutes until I hear his snores so carefully prying him off me I tip toed over to Harry's bed. He gently smiled up at me to which I returned and clambered into his bed and into his awaiting arms.

Tucking my head into his chest I felt his steady heart beat which lolled me into a daze.
"I love you Fern," I felt Harry whisper into my hair and a kiss was placed on my forehead. I dragged my head up from my position so that I could place my lips against his. The short and sweet kiss was a comfort that I didn't know I needed and from the sigh that came from Harry I bet he felt the same.
"Good luck for tomorrow, chosen one," I gently laugh whilst pressing my forehead against his.
Little did I know I wouldn't wake up for some time.

~~~~~~~Switch to Harry POV~~~~~~~
I awoke with Ferns arms around me so I gently lifted her into my arms and brought her over to Ron. However I decided not to set her down. Her breath was quiet and there was a faint wheeze that filled the air every time she breathed in. I shook her in my arms to try to wake her up but that didn't work. I almost put it down to her coming down with a cold but then a cough came from her throat and blood splattered down her chin.
"Ron! Wake up, I think there's something wrong with Fern!" I shout quickly whilst rushing to the door.
"Bloody hell Harry why are you shouting?" Ron questioned before his eyes focused on the blood that had fallen from Ferns mouth, "Sh*t! I'll get Hermione now run to madam Pomfrey we'll catch up! Wait!"
Ron halts me before I can even start to run. I turn hurriedly to him confused.
"Give her to me you have the game to get to!" Ron gestures with his arms and I realise what he means.
"Oh come on! Ferns more important than the game!" I shout slightly pissed off.
"Yeah but Wood will not let you off. Your the seeker Harry! And there is literally no one else that could take your place!" Ron shouts back.
Hermione comes bursting out of her dorm a few doors down and instantly sees the situation and decides to sort it out for herself taking Fern from my arms and so I just nod at my best friends before rushing off to the game but not before watching them run in the opposite direction towards the hospital wing.

~~~~~~~Hermione's POV~~~~~~~
Passing her off to madam Pomfrey, me and Ron are told to go but I insist on staying as I know Ron will want to watch the match so we part ways and I watch as Fern is prodded and inspected with spells and potions. It was awful to see the sickly pallor of her face when usually it's graced with a smile and rosy cheeks.
"She's been poisoned, we are not sure whether it's a sleeping potion or a deadlier potion with not enough dosage to cause enough harm." Madam Pomfrey finally announces.
"But who would want to hurt Fern?" I mutter aloud to myself.
"She'll be awake in an hour perhaps you want to go and eat some food? I'm sure the quidditch has ended by now," Madam Pomfrey suggests but I shake my head.
I want to be here when she wakes up. That's the least I could do.

I wait by her bedside reading while clutching at my soulmates hand. My thumb nervously ran over Fern's knuckles as I waited for her to awake. I hear the door to the wing open and peek around from the curtain and see Harry and Ron looking around anxiously.
I wave them over and offer a smile, "Did we win?"
Harry grins and Ron answers a bit too loud so that Madam Pomfrey has to shush him, "We won the house cup! Oops... sorryyy," then he turns towards Fern, "Well she's looking better. Anyone else come to see her yet?"
"Yeah but only Luna before the game started- I assume you told her?" I ask.
Harry nods and then comes to sit beside me, "We passes Luna in the hallway and she said something about how she felt off this morning and wondered whether something was wrong so we told her about Fern. She said that maybe it was a storm before the rainbow situation."
I nod my head in understanding before hearing a cough from the bed. Everyone's heads snap towards Fern and we see her struggling to sit up but still with a toothy grin on her face.
"Did we win?" She asks in a hoarse voice.
"You've been poisoned and yet your fist question is did we win?" I ask incredulously.
"Of course, sad I missed this star playing though," Fern laughs and manages to reach up and ruffle Harry's hair.
"Shove off," Harry jokes but affection clearly laced through his voice.
We all basically leap towards Fern and smother her with hugs.
"I could get used to this," you could just about hear from beneath the mass of bodies on top of Fern.

A/n: Hey guys, but if a filler chapter now but I kind of need it for the next chapter or do I 😏
Anyways hope you've enjoyed this and don't forget to vote!

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