6- Harry and the chamber

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Note: I am changing the timeline and everything just so it works like my vision. :)
Harry's PoV
After hearing Seamus call a girl a lesbo Hermione dragged us over and as we approached the girl my soulmark burnt.
"You knew?" Me and Ron asked Hermione.
"I only just met her in the library before lunch dumbos." Hermione replied before looking back to where the girl was sat.
Well used to be sat. Her and Ginny had disappeared.
"Looking for your girlfriend Granger?" Seamus taunted.
"If I didn't know better you sound like Malfoy," I reply while Ron held back Hermione which was an unusual sight to see as Hermione is usually the level headed one.
"Oh shut it Heir of Slytherin." Seamus replied.
I walk over to Hermione and Ron and guide them out of the Great Hall to search for our soulmate all while sticking my middle finger up at Seamus. We couldn't find her so we decided to go back to the common room to look. Hermione separated from us to look in the library while me and Ron collapsed on the sofas.
"We could always look one more time with the invisibility cloak. Maybe we could come across her or Ginny and follow them?" I suggest.
"Why not," Ron shrugs with a hint of disappointment at not being able to find our shared mate.
We saw Madam Pomfrey lead a string of teachers and decided to follow. Running down the Hall me and Ron finally came across the teachers staring at another blood message on the wall.
Their skeletons will lie in the chamber forever
"Students have been taken? Does anyone know whose missing?" McGonagall asks.
"Ginny Weasley and Fern Gold but also Miss Granger has been petrified!" Madam Pomfrey worriedly informs her.
"Someone better inform the Weasley family and Harry. They will be devastated." McGonagall states sadly.
I look at Ron both of us shocked but havening to hold back our cries for our soulmate and Ron's sister.
"Gilderoy weren't you saying that you knew where the chamber was the other day?" Snape sneers.
"Uh uh why  why yes!" Lock heart replies nervously.
"Well then surely you can take care of it. Okay that's done. We'll see you in the morning after you have found the girls." McGonagall claps her hands together and then gestures for the rest of the teacher to follow her.
They smirk at Lockheart one more time and walk off. He quickly hurried off toward his classroom and me and Ron follow him.
If he know where the chamber is then we could rescue them. Be the hero's. But halfway to the classroom I realise something.
"Can we do this without Hermione?" I ask.
"Yes, in case we don't make it out of this maybe we could visit her one last time?" Ron shrugs.
I kid and we make our way to the hospital wing which just happens to be on the way to Lockhearts classroom.
There next to Hermione was a mirror.
"A mirror?!?" Ron exclaims.
"There must have been a reason. Maybe she left us a clue?" I say searching around and turning the mirror over.
"Like a page of a book?" Ron asks.
"Exac..... oh. Well what does it say then?" I ask once I had seen what Ron had found and was now holding.
He hesitates. Then passed me the note. Two words could be seen.
~time skip brought to you by well by me lmao~

"We know where it is!" I shout to Lockheart the coward.
"I'm really sorry joys but really this business is.... oh your holding up your wands at me now. Okay fine then!" Lockheart gives in.
The three of us make our way to the girls bathroom and I look toward Myrtle.
"This was where you died right?" I ask.
"Yep. Well sorta *weird pop giggle* I was coming out of this very stall and all I can remember was by that sink. Was a pair of. BIG. YELLOW. EYES." Myrtle replies and then continues on with her moaning and crying.
I walk over to the sink and carefully walk through what I could do.
"*snake noises cause I'm not gonna even attempt to write it out Hesh asath or whatever*" I spit out and slowly watch as the sink opens up to reveal the whole.
"Okay now goodb or not. Now I'm really not going to go first now am I?!" He desperately asks.
I just nod and Ron kicks him down the hole.
I follow and I can hear Ron behind me as we slowly descend into the darkness.

Authors note: hey guys really sorry it's been awhile. Hope this was good enough definitely going to use up my time during online lessons to write these so do bare with me lol. Peace out! Don't forget to drink a glass of water and eat something. Peace out x

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