All By Myself

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I quickly went to the library for a second to read something for the next class and I proceeded in the cafeteria to wait jisoo unnie that was I told her earlier before I leave

I fall in the line and wait for my turn until someone pushed me so hard that made me stumble on the floor and I look who it is

As I expected Jennie, My nini....

"Oops!, sorry I can't help it, you're blocking my way,"she said while acting like she's was shocked  shes with her gang right now laughing at me I just sigh and ignore it I stood up like nothing happened I just went to the corner and walk a little bit farther I know she will be the first one to go to counter because the whole student is scared to her she is always ahead.

"Hey, Nerd where you going? We're just getting started, already leaving? come on" Jennie stated and grabbed my arm and pull me close to her she smelled my neck and she whispered something to me

"Your nothing compared to me ill make you suffer this school year, you hear that ill kick you out of this school so bless your self"making my breathe hitch when she glared at me

What happen to my nini?

"This would be fun come to the rooftop after school at 5 pm sharp" as she eyed me to head to toe and smirk she leave with her gang and approach others bullying them like me I just went to jisoo unnie in the cafeteria and sit down beside her until she realizes that I'm beside her already

"Oh! lisayah have you seen Jennie already?" she asks me happily and holds my hand waiting for my answer I just nod and give her a tight smile

"Are you sure lisayah you do not seem so happy are you alright?" she asks me worriedly and she turns her attention to me

"unnie, Jennie is not her own self she's bullying others, making everyone suffer until they leave the school, and I'm her target too I think she knows me already, "I told her and sigh I hold my head

"WHAT!! H-HOW?!"Shes shocked and shove her food to her mouth and that I'm her target too and knows me already

"I-i- i don't know as well but how does she found out that its me"I said curiously

"Maybe she really knows you that well maybe"she said and wiped her mouth until someone shouted in the hall making its way to the cafeteria

"YAH MONKEY IS THAT YOUU?!"I smiles warmly when I heard that I know its chaeyoung and I look back

"Yes it is"I responded and stand up she squealed and quickly went to me and hugged me super tight

"Ya-yah chaeng I cant breathe-e"I said and tapped her rapidly that making her pulled out the hug

"Sorry,I just miss you so much monkey I thought you will not comeback here anymore,"she said and wiped her fake tears and pout at me

"I'm here now stop that already it's disgusting"I blurted out and that cute face turn into glare

Oh my ghad she's so scary when she's mad

"What did you say?!"she growled and she pinched my ear very tight

"Ah! Ah! Yah yah let go chipmunk!"I told her and tapping her rapidly and she added

"Not unless you repeat it again"she pinched it more harder that causing my ear redden

"Yah chaeng let her go already look her ears are red already now come on"jisoo unnie said trying to insist chaeng and try to pull chaeng beside her to sit

"Aigoo my beautiful ears"I said and faking cry that made two of them make fun of me and I feel someone is staring at me from afar so I look where but there's none

Thats weird

"By the way Lisa when did you arrive?"chaeng break the silence and look at me while brushing her hair

"Uhm yesterday chaeng"i shortly responded to her and get my lunchbox that I made earlier and for Jennie I make her some too maybe she hungry later I will give it to her

I hope she like it

We are laughing and chitchatting and after some time unnie talked to me that made me look at her

"By the way limario we gotta go already it's already our next subject so we definitely need to go we're almost late"unnie said and ready to grab her bag along with chaeng

"Oh,okay unnie,it's fine besides I still have 20 minutes to read my next subject so it's okay unnie I can handle"I said while smiling to her ear to ear because later I will meet Jennie and give her what I made earlier

"Are you sure your alright here Lisa?"chaeng ask me worriedly and hold my hand

"Yup,it's okay chaeng you guys need to go now you're late already"I reminded them and smile warmly

I read my book peacefully and another bully came to me and pat my shoulder that made me look serious and I drop the utensils

"Hi there freak how's it going"he said and sit beside me I look at him almost glaring

"What?!,is it bad to sit beside you"he said defending his self

"No, I don't care at all"I responded to him coldly and eat peacefully

"So I guess you know me already I'm the captain ball and one of the heartthrob in the university's you can see I'm wearing my jersey" he said and point his jersey and he's holding the ball in his side

"I don't know who you are and I don't give a fuck"I said coldly I look at him

"Ouch! You just hurt me"he said while faking it that he's really hurt

"I'm Kim Taehyung by the way"he said and offer a handshake I just look at it and he seemed familiar to me but I can't remember it

"If you're just here to bother or bully me then I'll go now"I growled and stand up I was about to leave but he hold my wrist

"Woah,woah,woah wait chill,first of all I'm not bothering you I'm just annoying you"he said and smirk at me

"It's the same thing"I said boringly and walked away

"Is it the same thing?"he mumbled I heard him chuckles that made me more annoyed so I leave immediately and went to rooftop to meet Jennie,my Nini



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