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We entered our classroom and I heard them gossiping I just shake my head and went to my sit ignoring them

"God if I were him I'll stop bullying her, like Hell Jennie Kim we will be dead for sure"making me raise my brows and look at my friends they are scrolling in their phone not until they're mouth agape and look at me wide eyes open

"What?"i said coldly and crossed my arms they showed me the video making me stand up

So that's why lisa didnt eat cause her food had been thrown away

I look at the boy who's in the back right now laughing with his ugly friends

"Yah! Shithead!!" I started to approach him and slam my hands in his desk hardly making him flinch but remain cool

"What? Already see the video earlier that was actually fun to watch"he said teasingly making my blood boil i grabbed his juice and pour it to his head making everyone gasp in the room

"What the hell are you crazy!?"he stand up and about to attack me

"Now you feel what you did to lisa, im just returning the favor and Go for it and you'll see what will happen to you,"I warned him and give him my deadliest glare

"Don't mess with her, That's not all I can do to you do you understand an example like balding you what else uhm I'll mess with you until you're still alive, you want that I want that so if I were you I'll stay away already as long as you still have time,understand?"as I grabbed his collar he's still not responding he's just clenching his jaws

"UNDERSTAND!?"I shouted to him while gritting my teeth

"Y-y-yes m-m-ms Kim"he said nervously and look down

"Now, once I heard about you bullying her you'll mess with me"I let go of his collar harshly making him fall in the ground and his friends started laughing at him, making himself embarrassed

Now you Lisa,why you didn't tell me that you got bullied earlier I was worried sick about you when I saw the video

An hour passed I quickly told my friends that I will go to Lisa at her classroom

After I got arrived I waited there for a few minutes until they prof got out I look for Lisa inside but she's not there

I ask her classmate to know here whereabouts

"Where's Lisa?"I told him straight forwardly as he look back and panicked

"Oh, Lisa Uhm she got punished earlier and her friend, seulgi?"I nodded at him

"Uhm Yeah they are in pool side right now"I thank him and quickly go to the direction that he said

"Jen!"I looked back to see who called me, it's Nayeon

"Thank god I saw you where are you going?"nabong told me and walk beside me as well

"I'm looking for Lisa I'm on my way to her right now"I quickly told her and she said that she'll go with me so I just let her

After minutes I saw Lisa and seulgi looking down as the prof is talking to them so I went near them

"Do you understand now Ms. Manoban and Ms. Kang?"

"Yes sir"

Irene went beside me and back hugged nayeon"Okay you guys can go already but next time don't be late in my class"as he said and the two bowed to him and the prof leave already and I went near them as I see Lisa sweating hard so I get a towel in my bag and wipe her sweats making her eyes widen and look at me

"I-I-I can manage"she said while stuttering and about to get the towel but I shoved her hands

"Let me"I went closer to her and wipe her sweats and I gave her a bottle of water and open it for her

I see in my peripheral vision is seulgi staring at us in disbelief with a slight smirk on her face

"Ehem! please respect the single ladies here"seulgi said while wiping her back with a phase towel and cough hard

"Okay, let me help you with that"Lisa went to her and smacked her back pretty hard

"Ahh!! You're really mean to me!"seulgi exclaimed to her and sat at the ground

"Nye! Nye! Nye!, Seulgi let's go we still have work now get your ass up before we got punished again, Uhm jen?"lisa turned her attention to me making me look at her

"Yes? You need something? I can buy it for you."

"Uh, do you have time for tomorrow? U-uh I mean we can e-eat together at lunch and besides there's no school tomorrow and if not it's o-oka—"I cutted her of by putting my pointer finger to her

"Shh... as much as you say I'll agree alright" i smile assuring her and I brushed the dirt in her shoulder making her blushed slightly and stepped back

"Seulgi do you have time? later let's hangout"I heard Irene unnie said to seulgi in these two are blushing already it make me think it's cute

"U-Uhm ye-Yeah I have Maybe after work"she said nervously to Irene making her chuckled in cuteness

"Okay call me when you arrive alright?"She's shocked when I said that but still nodded

"U-uh seulgi lets go now"they bowed at us and leave I saw them walking fast

I see Irene still staring at seulgi so I teased her a bit

"Seulgi might melt if you keep staring at her"as I walk away and call my driver to pick me up

"Ah yah! You dwarf! You keep staring at her too"

"Well she's cute that's why"that made me smiled a bit

"Aigoo, this mandu is inlove..."Irene exclaimed and cling to my arm making me look at her in wide eyes open

"What?! Me! Inlove Tsk! I'm not"I said defensively making her smirk at me

"Yeah Irene unnie is right jen, you have to admit that it's true though"Sana said while Nayeon is back hugging her while approaching us

"I won't admit anything because I don't feel anything so please can you stop"I said irritatedly and flip my hair

"Tsk I'm like that too when I meet tzuyu"Sana giggles and look at me

They are scanning me head to toe like I did something

"Yah! Why are you guys acting like that?!"I told them and I glared at them one by one

This don't affect them because they already know me

"Are we?? Or you??"irene unnie said teasingly and smirk across in her face

"Do you guys want to die early, just tell me I'll do it right away!"they just laughed at me making me scoffed in disbelief

I can't believe them



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