The Rain Kiss

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I watched the street slowly teem with people as the night took over the dusk. Like always, everybody else had a place to go, while I was bound with time in the same perpetual state. 

I waited for the rain to fall as I stood under the roof of this bus stop. The skies began to cry as soon as the next shuttle arrived. I remained in my place, and stood by until the door spat you out.

You looked at me with wide eyed wonder as the raindrops started to fall on your hair. Then you asked what on earth I was doing here. 

But I didn't know how to answer that honestly without looking like a fool. So I had to state the obvious for an answer and used the rain to my advantage. But your next question was if I had an umbrella. I told you that I wouldn't be standing here if I had one. 

So you stood beside me, hoping the rain would let up soon. You acted nonchalantly but I could sense a furious indignation in you. You then started to complain about how it always rained in your life, and how you always seemed to be the only one without an umbrella. You said it to my face as if I had one myself. 

And for the umpteenth time since I met you, I felt the urge to hold you in my arms. But what would that make me? A hypocrite who brought the very misery from which I wanted to comfort you?

So I asked you if we should run instead.

But when your only answer was a snide remark, I used it as an excuse to hold your hand and I pulled you into the rain to run with me. 

I was the one doing the dragging, but the truth was that I ran with you. It was your hand that held the force, and all I could do was get drawn, and be swayed, and be dragged along, and yanked by it and with it.

I couldn't let it go even if I tried. 

We ran up a flight of stairs, and I could feel your grip tighten around my hand. I knew then that it must be exhausting for you, but you held onto me with a fierce resolve. 

Then you asked if I couldn't stop the rain, and I tauntingly said I could but didn't because it was fun. 

When we reached the top, you were so mad and you loosened your grip, just as something in my chest tightened when you let go. I watched you try and catch your breath as you bent down and placed your hands on your knees, finally accepting your fate by allowing yourself to get soaked in the rain. 

So I mimicked your position so I could see your face. I asked if you were okay. You said it would be better to just walk, it would be less exhausting, but you were okay. You said that you could finally breathe now. 

I couldn't pass up the chance to comfort you this time, so I resorted to giving you advice. One that held a truth that most people didn't realize. 

See? The rain isn’t a big deal. Even if you’re the only one without an umbrella, it’s fine. Just get wet. Get wet and run. You'll be home soon. 

That's what I told you. 

You looked at me with those big brown eyes that made me believe that I did have a soul inside of me.

Then you blurted out that you had a wish and I eagerly listened. 

I want you to love me. Can I wish for that, too? You asked with glint in your eyes. 

I thoughtlessly responded with a quick no.

As my answer hung between us, I kept wondering where you had obtained the ability to stop my world from turning.

Because you just did it again.

Like a world that was doomed, I was suspended in limbo as I watched your gaze turn to the ground. 

I was asphyxiating. There was no air in my world without your smile. 

How could this be? I shouldn't feel this much remorse for hurting you with a technicality. But I did hurt you and I felt so sorry like someone who had a heart.

I kept my eyes on you as your eyes wandered into the unknown.

And it scared me. I didn't want you to go where I couldn't follow. No, not when I just hurt you with that single word. 

So when you turned your gaze back on me, I exhaled the breath I didn't know I was holding. And like a fool, I yielded to this yearning that had holed up inside me since the day I met you. 

As I bridged that single step between us, I found myself reaching for your face and I could no longer hold back. 

The rain kept pouring as I lowered my mouth and pressed it against yours. You closed your eyes and indulged me as I reveled in the warmth of your breath. 

I could taste the raindrops from your lips, and my yearning turned into hunger. You were so tender in how you kissed me back, but I couldn't help myself from savoring your delicate mouth. 

When you draped your arms on my shoulders, I pulled you in so I could feel all of you. We both let ourselves get lost in that kiss as the skies pelted our faces with rain water. The stream that ran down your lips allowed for my tongue to glide fluidly inside your mouth. 

But in spite of myself, I had to draw a quick breath so I won't drown in your tenderness. How could a feeble human like you make me breathless like this?

Nevertheless, I was willing to suffocate.

On the brink of my restraint, I managed to quit testing my limits. My mouth hovered over your lips for another moment before I could fall back and gasp for air again.

Then suddenly, I felt a great power summoning my whole being.

What is it? You asked, still disoriented from the glow of our kiss. 

And as you took a step closer, I disappeared into nothingness before your eyes. 

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