Chapter 2 - New People

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It's been two weeks since you started working at the store and it was doing pretty well, your body and mind got used to the place and the schedule immediately which you are thankful for. Customers were really chill during the wee hours of the night, you made some friends here and there, one of them being Jennie. You and Jennie aren't really that close as of the moment, you can see that the girl is kinda reserved, her reason was because before university, she was homeschooled and that's why it was hard for her to meet new people. You don't get to talk to each other that much too cause Jennie is always studying, if not, she will be doing homeworks and projects. At first, you were confused at why would she spend her free time studying but then understood when you found out about her course.

Jennie is a junior at Korea University and is currently taking up Political Science as a pre law, she's gonna go to law school after university. It got you thinking, will law be the right course for you? Working at the store with university students as its regular costumer, has introduced, and is still, you to a lot of courses that you can consider. Accountancy, Film Studies, Law, Theater and whole lot more.

Oh and speaking of Theater, Jisoo has been stoping by the store before her classes almost everyday to check up on you.  You and her has gotten close, some thing that Jisoo has been waiting for. Before you stared working at the store, it was hard for the older girl to get to know you, cause your sister, Bae Joohyun, would always tease Jisoo about you and be protective of you at the same time. No, Jisoo doesn't like you in that way.....okay maybe a little bit, but she's still confused about her feelings towards you.

Tonight was nothing out of the ordinary, except Jennie is not here, might be because of school or something. You were a little bummed about it, Jennie was one of your favorite customers, cause even before you two became somewhat friends, she would always greet you and say goodbye to you when she's gonna leave. It made you feel kinda special. Your thoughts were interrupted when the bells ringed, meaning someone went inside.

You saw a pinkish blondish haired girl that went straight to the aisles, it was your first time seeing her, might be a student that's having a sleepless night. After she's done, she went to the counter to pay for what she bought. You saw that she bought a lot of milk flavoured and yoghurt foods.

"That would be, 20 dollars please, is that all?" She nodded her head and payed for all her food, that you just realized that's a lot but hey, no judgement here, you also eat a lot when stressed or sad. Her choice of flavors are kinda concerning to you tho, too much dairy can make you gassy and can give you an upset stomach. The girl took a sit that's close to the counter, the table where Jennie always sits.

"Rough night, huh?" She turned to you with her gimbap on her hand, ready to eat it. You smiled at her, introducing yourself.

"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."

"I'm Chaeyoung, nice to meet you too, Y/N."

"Mind me for interrupting but, you seem like you're fond of dairy flavours." Chaeyoung looked at her selection of food and saw that her drink, desserts and sweet snacks were milk flavoured.

"Not really, I'm just avoiding caffeine tonight cause I don't want that to add to my sleeplessness." Chaeyoung is used to getting up all night cause of her course, so many homeworks and tests every week, so when it comes to Friday, her body wouldn't fall asleep early cause it got used to it's usual routine. She would fall asleep at around midnight, causing her to be asleep during half of her Saturdays.

Chaeyoung is a Sophomore nursing student at Yonsei University and just like Jennie, this is her first step into reaching her goal. Nursing is her pre med, planning on going to medical school as soon as she graduates. She's just hoping that she will pass.

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