C7 - Bomb Question

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"Do you like Maggie?" - Melanie Vera

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"Do you like Maggie?" - Melanie Vera

Chapter Seven

"You finally show up," A woman with a curly hair said. Oh, so this is Maggie.

I looked at her, she's wearing the blue marbled designed ring. I'm about to teleport myself, but she hold my sleeves. "Wait, don't leave," She said.

I sighed as I nodded. I don't know where we are though. "Where are we?" I asked, looking around. I removed Maggie's hand from my sleeves, and moved a little further away from her. I put my hands on my pockets, avoiding to hold anyone. I can feel Maggie's eyes on me.

"You don't remember our house? You were here like 3 days ago," She questioned

"Oh, I went to sleep and kind of lost some memories visiting heaven," I replied, analyzing that I was gone for three days.

Maggie went to open her mouth, but the woman beside her grab the ring, putting it to one of her fingers. She looked at me, mouthing names while pointing at the two other people to me. I smiled and mouthed my gratefulness.

Did something happened between Maggie and I before I went to sleep? I can feel my heart aches every time she look at me.

The four of them were having a conversation. I was confused on what's happening and decided to rewind Maggie's memories in my head. Oh, the man, Harry were trying to give up his immortality for the eldest charmed ones, Macy.

"And you want our approval to pursue your mortality?" Mel questioned.

Harry looked at her, "I wouldn't be able to heal you. Should the need arise," Harry said, realizing that I was behind Mel, "And she can only heal Maggie" Harry added.

"We're the most powerful witches out there, we can take care of ourselves," Mel stated.

The most powerful witches are the charmed ones, right? Meaning Maggie is one of them making me questioned why she have a guardian angel protecting her if she have a Whitelighter?


That sounds familiar. I shook my head, brushing away the thoughts because the more I think the more I will forget about these memories. I can watch my memories later.

"You sacrificed your life and your happiness for us. It's time for you to do you," Maggie said, smiling at Harry.

I bit my lip, asking myself if I should leave because I don't think I should be here listening to the conversation, but since Maggie ask me to stay then I'll stay.

"Harry?" Macy called, making Harry look at her, "You don't know what this could do to you," she warned.

I scratched the side of my face as I feel the weird sensation of awkwardness run through my body. Harry step closer to Macy, but still keeping his distance, "I want to explore this, Macy, but I can't do it alone," He said.

Mel sighed as she stand up, "Okay," she said, nodding at Harry. "Where we going, Har?" She asked.

"To England. To see my son," Harry answered.

Why am I here, again? Mel looked at me, "Do you want to go with us?" she asked.

I bit my lip, looking at Maggie for ask permissions. She nodded. "You can go," she said and I nodded as I looked at Mel.

I'm about to step closer to Mel to touch her, but a electrical strike to my hand before I could even reach her. "I'm so sorry," I said, stepping further.

Mel nodded, "It's okay," She said, before turning to look at Maggie, mouthing something to her. They silently have a conversation, but Mel sighed in defeat. Are they arguing about something? Why do I feel like this argument is about me? I pinched myself to distract myself and let the thoughts slip away.


Mel, Harry and I were walking at a very unfamiliar place to me in England. I was just quietly listening to them.

"Harry, did you read the fine print on these soul softener pills?" Mel asked, looking down on the paper.

I used my supervision to take a look at the paper. "May cause constipation, dizziness, sudden hair loss, insomnia. Overdose could lead to Garbo-Psycho-Fanta-Mytosis?" Mel and I read out loud.

Garbo-Psycho-Fanta-Mytosis. Is that kind of disorder that if a human overdoses it can turn a human into psychopath? "What in God's name is that?" Harry questioned.

Mel sighed, "I don't know, but it sounds like we definitely don't want to find out," she replied.

"Some type of disorder that is related to psychopath personality," I mumbled to myself, making them look at me.

"What did you say?" Mel questioned.

"Garbo-Psycho-Fanta-Mytosis might be related to a person with psychopath mentality?" I questioned my knowledge.

I recently lost some memories, so I'm not so sure. I just know that any topic with psycho could be related to a person with any unstable mentality or afflicted with psychosis.

Harry nodded at me, "I'll be sure to only give him one," Harry looked at a house, making me and Mel look at it. "Here we are. Last I checked, Carter was living here with his daughter, Jill," Harry stated.

"I think they have a lot of company," I whispered, avoiding to interrupt the moment.

Why did I agree to come here again? I should've stayed with Maggie, but I feel like I want to avoid Maggie for now. Whatever reason I have surely stick with my heart.

"Yes," Harry squinted his eyes agreeing at me before we go in the house. I noticed the sigh that says In loving memory of Carter Westwell, 1953-2021 ending it with a quote that says A celebration of life.

"Harry, look," Mel said, noticing the board. "It's Carter," Harry looked at the board, realizing that it is his son, "He's dead,"

I wanted to comfort Harry, but I remember the zap happened a while ago and kept my hands in my pocket. I should try to remember what happen between me and Maggie to figure out why I wanted so bad to avoid her.

We walked further in the house as Harry get one of the flyers. "I can't believe he's gone,"

"It looks like Carter led a very accomplished life, filled with friends and family and people who loved him. That's all anybody can hope for," Mel stated, comforting Harry.

"I could tell you if I see Carter in heaven the time I visits," I said, gently smile at him.

Harry sighed, "I wish I could have been a part of it," I feel useless,but I can't do anything because of that kind of allergy to comfort him or use my powers which is forbidden. I can tell that Harry is the charmed one's Whitelighter. "We should probably get going," Harry said, turning to started to walk, but stopped to see a child grabbing a chocolate and a lady scolding him.

"You're not my mum! You can't tell me what to do," The boy said.

Ohh, that boy is a spoil child, "True, but perhaps others might like some as well," she reasoned, trying to convince the little boy to put the chocolates back to the container. The little boy put the chocolates back into the container, "Fine," he sternly said before leaving. "Thank you," the lady with a blonde hair said, turning to Mel apologizing about the scene.

"Sorry about that," she said, walking closer to Mel, "His mum's a friend of the family. Dad was like an uncle to him, "She explained and looked at Mel confusedly, "I don't believe we've met,"

"Oh, I'm Mel," Mel introduced herself, turning back to look at Harry and I, "And this is Mara and --" Mel was interrupted when the blonde woman realize who's Harry is.

"James!" She gasped, "I'm sorry, but you're the spitting image of my grandfather James," She said, turning to look at the framed picture on the shelves. "It's uncanny,"

"Oh," Harry breathe out, "I'm Harry," He introduced, smiling at the woman, "A distant cousin by marriage, thrice removed," Harry explained, making the blonde woman nodded, 

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