Chapter 4: Lifting The Spirits

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It has been a week since all the Saiyan business. Trunks has been caught up to speed on my horrible vision that I had. I haven't had any visions since last week, and I kinda hope to keep it that way. I still have yet to learn the name of this mysterious evil being, or its face. But I do know what his power feels like, that part I was able to sense in my vision.

Trunks has begun to train me in controlling my energy. I am starting to get the hang of controlling my energy, but I can only hang onto it for a few seconds. Trunks said that he would work with me more later after school. Honestly, I don't think I will be able to get strong enough to face Mr. Anonymous. No, I can't think like that! I have to be able to beat him. For my friends and my family; for the existents of earth.

Just walking out of the front of the school, I heard Trunks call from behind me.

"Hey, you ready for your lesson?"

"Definitely!" And with that we walked down to the harbor. We both found a spot by the ocean. I always loved the sound of the waves crashing on the shore, it helped me concentrate. Trunks and I sat down and began the lesson. He said the key to controlling your energy is to relax and concentrate. I tried and tried. I guess relaxing just isn't my thing.

"We are going to try one more time Rochelle. I want you to dig down deep and bring your energy outward."

"Okay, I'll try."

I concentrated. I thought of only my energy and to bring it outward. I could feel the energy inside me. I could feel it coming out from my arms. I started to see a glow from inside my cupped hands. I was doing it, I was really starting to be able to control my energy!

"Rochelle, You finally did it! All you need to do now is practice." Trunks yelled full of joy.

"Hey did I miss anything?" I heard a voice ask in the distance. The person came more into view. It was Felicia!

"Yeah you actually missed a lot, Rochelle finally got the hang of controlling her energy." Trunks responded.

"Congratulations!" Felicia exclaimed. I was so confused. How did Felicia know all about my lessons? More importantly, Does she know I'm a Saiyan?

"Now we just have to get your tail to grow back." Trunks said.

"But how are we going to do that?" Felicia and I asked in unison.

Okay, at this point I have know. If she really knows this much, someone told her something or she is a Saiyan herself.

"How do you know about Saiyans?" I asked Felicia. There was silence until I asked; "Are you a Saiyan?" She just smiled.

"Yes, but I only found out about my heritage about 2 years ago. Trunks only told me about his Saiyan heritage a few days ago."

"Well...I'm glad that I know now." I got up from the ground and gave Felicia a hug. Trunks joined in also. It was a great feeling to know that I am not going crazy.

"Hey, how about we get back to practicing?" I asked.

"I think that would be a good idea." Trunks said.

The rest of the afternoon was basically exercises to help me get better control of my energy. I am naturally a fast learner, so it didn't take me long to get all of the exercises right. Trunks and Felicia are going to start teaching me how to fly tomorrow. We would have all weekend to work on it.

The next day

Its finally friday! We have a long weekend since there was some teacher conference thing day on monday. Its after school and I am getting ready for my first flying lesson! We were planning on going to the baseball field next to my house so no one would see. I think that would be a little weird if people saw a teenager flying through the air. I saw Trunks and Felicia land on the field, its time to get started! Trunks began to describe how to fly, I think.

"Okay, so the best way I can describe how to fly is to take your energy, put it under you and let it lift you off the ground." I listened to his words and tried to do what he said. I could feel the energy flowing inside me. I willed it to go down under my feet, it was working, i was actually getting somewhere. There was a wind beneath my feet going outward. I began to lift off the ground. I didn't realize that I was flying until I heard Trunks yell at me for going to high.

"Chelle, your going to high!"

"What!?" That broke my concentration and I fell about 15 ft to the ground. "Ow! I think I hit my head"

"Are you okay?" Trunks ran over to me and threw his arms around me in protection. He kinda squished me a little, but after a few seconds, I started to blush a little.

"Hey Trunks, your squishing me a little"

"Sorry!" He stepped back and help me get up.

"Chill, its okay." With the first flying lesson over. We all walked back to my house for some Ice cream. I was finally flying and with every lesson, I will get stronger and be able to defend the world against whatever danger lies in the furture.

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