Chapter 61: Silent killers

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Y/N's pov

For the next minutes we drove in complete silence , none of us dared to say anything .. everything that happened just few minutes ago was too awkward for us to spoke.

Jungkook stopped by my gate as i hopped out of the car , thanked him and sped inside my house .

I could still hear My heartbeat loud..

"Y/n? You back?" oppa who was standing

"Look at you , go and get changed otherwise you ll catch a cold."

I quickly made my way upstairs , showered with warm water and got changed as i laid on my bed thinking about what had happened earlier..

What were we doing?
Why did we ?

All sorts of questions start to pour in my mind.

Jungkook's POV

Me : what the hell is wrong with me?
Brain: cant hold yourself anymore now?
Me : oh God , What did i do? What was I thinking, i even slipped my hand under — damn

I face palmed myself as a blush crept up my face.

Shrugging my thoughts away i shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Next day
Y/N's pov

Class ended as i made my way out of the classroom ..

I cant believe our university didnt even give a week off for exams..

Curse the person who created exams
Brain: y/n , he must be dead already..

I rolled my eyes as i exit the classroom and made my way outside.

"Hey y/n wait!" Caught up taehyung.

"Did you find a tutor for yourself?" He asked

"Uh yeah."

"Who is —."

"Y/n?" I head a voice that made electricity run down my spine

"What time Will you come over to study today?" Jungkook asked.

"He is teaching you?" Taehyung asked


I didnt want to let taehyung know but well now he knows , i know he isnt going to be happy about it ..

I looked towards jungkook only to notice his smirk.
He did it on purpose to make taehyung angry.

"No , i wont be coming today , the next 2 days , i ll study by myself."

"Can you do that?"

"Yup , thankyou for helping me all this while , also the questions you asked me to do , i ll email the answers to you." I replied to him smartly and walked away with a sly smile..

Jungkook's POV

Mind : you reap what you sow
Me :oh shut up
Mind : you decided to make Taehyung jealous and now y/n wont be coming to your house anymore.
Me : agh! Why am i so stupid.

Taehyung's POV

When did they get so close ?
Why didn't y/n tell me that Jungkook was teaching her all this while .

Something inside me burned at the thought of them studying together.

Anyways , i rolled my eyes and walked pass by them.

Back at home
Y/n's POV

"Hey y/n , i am leaving for Bangkok." Oppa said as we sat on the dinner table.

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