Chapter 69: Why?

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Jungkook's POV

"I am back." Barged in Hyung

"Where is y/n?" He asked as he scanned the room

"She went out for a walk" I answered

"But i told her to stay here with you specially after what happened last night."hyung stated

"Its ok , she just left a while ago." I said

"Tch alright alright , i am going to drop her home and then return back ." He answered before noticing my expressions "why do you look so distressed? Are you feeling alright?" He asked me .


"Did you and y/n get into some kind of argument."

"Not reallly." I answered

"Well never mind , i ll leave for now." And with that he left.

Narrator's POV

"You literally had one job to do." He said in a domineering voice

"I i- tried my best."  She said from inside the jail.

"And now what? How am i supposed to get you out of here?"

"Hyung relax!" The younger brother tried to calm him down.

"What do we do now that she is in jail , that Min Yoongi wont let her go that easily." The elder one spoke

"Lets relax for now and think about this ." It was the younger one who spoke this time.

"I don't care , i want both of them dead." The elder one spoke with anger , his eyes burning with flames.

The other two siblings couldn't speak any further.

"Anyways Rika , don't worry we ll get you out of here as soon as possible , hyung lets think this out for now ok."


The next day
Jungkook's POV

"What ?! You confessed?!"  Jimin was shocked

"Yes i did !"

"Dude i always knew you had a thing for her!" He smirked and continued "and then what did she say?"

"She refused!"

"Refused?but why? I think she likes you back."

"No! She just cant forgive me for all the bad things i have done to her."

"You deserve it then , ofcourse no girl would agree to be with someone with whom they have had bad memories regardless of the feelings."He spoke in as a matter- of -fact tone.

"But jimin you know i haven't done any of those things, i didn't leak her pictures from the locker room the other day."

"I Knew it ! Why did you admit it then?"

"I just -."

"Wanted to be a bad guy?" He raised his eyebrow

"Tch come on , help me."

"How do i help you ? You should have thought about the consequences before acting."
He spoke and continued
"Will she believe you if you tell her that it was someone else and not you? And this is not just one thing , what about the other times , when you were rude to her? And the other time when you almost drowned her?" He asked raising his eyebrows

"I didn't do it on purpose, i knew she was a great swimmer, who would have thought that she would end up twisting her ankle , i was about to go save her , God knows how worried it made me when she didn't come out of the water and so i decided to save her but i was too late and instead that Kim Namjoon saved her." I spoke gritting my teeth.

"You were too late in everything, Kim Namjoon and Kim Taehyung won everytime." He laughed

"HEY!" i pouted

"Ok ok , first tell her everything, like clear things out with her and then try to gain her trust."

"And how do i do that ?"

"By your actions because actions speak louder than words."


Y/n 's POV

Me: Seriously who does he think he is?"
Brain: jungkook
Heart: now that he confessed to you why do you have a problem ?
Brain: what do you mean? Should she agree to him after what he has done?!
Heart: i don't know but i think that he was just trying to get her hate , he didn't do any of those things
Me: seriously why does he want everyone's hate, aghh this jeon.

A sudden sound of glass crashing interrupted my thoughts.

"Yoongi-shi?!" Didn't he leave yet I thought

I got up from my bed and went downstairs to check for him but he was nowhere to be found.

"Maybe it some cat?" I decided to look for the source of noise.

But then Horror crept inside me as i saw 2 masked men standing just beside the broken window of the lounge.

They started to approach me but i quickly ran towards the 1st floor , i quickly went inside my bedroom locked the door and started to dial Yoongi-shi's number but he wasn't picking up.

"Come on yoongi-shi pick up." I dialled again and then again as panic encircled me.

The lock of my room door started to turn as fright filled inside me.

I quickly dialled the next number i could think of.

*ring ring*
*ring ring*

I heard an unfamiliar ring tone from outside the door , confusion hit me as my mind couldn't figure out what was happening.

I cancelled the number i was dialling and just then the ring tone that was coming from outside my room stopped.

NO WAY! .. but thats not possible right ?
Maybe he is here for me...


The men outside started to bang my door as they found out as it was locked.

They were frustrated as they continued to bang and kick the door , one of them had an axe  and he struck the door with it making a huge slit in a door .

The peeked from the slit and waved at me , goosebumps erupted all over my body as my mind tried to deny the situation in front of me.

They had all sorts of weapons , they had guns , axes and who knows what else .
One of them inserted his hand inside the slit and unlocked the door .

I was petrified as They both entered inside my room.

Are they the same from the other day?

I looked back at my phone and wondered Where is he? Why isnt he showing up?

I dialled the number again and it rang , the same ring tone , but it belonged to none other than one of the masked guy.

To say i was shocked would be an understatement , i was shaken up to my bones , all this time it was him.
My ears started to ring and my mind became all cloudy , i was unable to accept that it was him and then *shoot* , something fired on my abdomen .

"T-tae taehyung..." i looked towards both of them , i felt my heartbeat pacing , blood started to come out where i was shot , i touched my wound and winced in pain ,i gasped at the sight of my blood stained hand.

My stomach gave out , it felt as if my inwards were being replaced by some kind of holes , nausea erupt within me , my legs gave out and i ended up falling on the ground.

"W-why?" My voice finally died down as the world went black.

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