Chapter 2: Hes actually pretty cute..

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As the strange man goes hiding into my closet under the stairs. I hear a knock at the door I quickly tell him everything will be ok but I still don't trust him and that he owes me.

I walk over the door and unlock the first lock then the second at the top of the door. I slowly peek through the peep hole. And it's the troops. I let them in with the welcoming warm smile they don't return the smile.

They quickly barge into my house. Looking around for the missing person as they would normally do even if it was a false alarm but this time... I don't think it was a false alarm.

I think the person hiding in my closet currently is the person they're looking for.. they check my whole house looking for the missing person my bedroom the bathrooms they were going to check under the stairs in the closet but I quickly said to them all right did you check everywhere in the house?

They responded " yes you are safe and free to go around camp again but I'd like for you to stay in your house for The rest of the night to make sure you're safe Thankyou ." "Oh and if we find someone in your house the punishment is death just a reminder."

When they leave I let out a huge sigh that was rough I whispered to myself.  I slowly walk over to where the stranger in my closet was hiding and said everything was safe now and you can come out.

I open the closet door with seeing the stranger with a huge smile on his face he then says " thank you so much you have no idea how much that means to me I really appreciate it you for having me over to keep me safe is it all right if I stay a little bit longer and I can explain everything?"

I scoff and say all right all right fine but before I let you stay you have to explain everything that happened and don't leave anything out because I can't trust you till you tell me.


" so to start off with i'm an escapee I escaped from Green camp and came to bleu because Green camp were treated very badly there it's basically like an abandoned town."

I gasp. WHAT. So you're telling me that this is not any sort of a drill nor false alarm and you actually escaped from green camping came all the way here.

" yes."

And why did you come to my house why not anyone else's.

"Well you were the first house that had an open window.." he lets out a small wheeze.

I giggle a bit I would say I was lying if I didn't find that cute.

He smiles in return asking me "hey what's your name never caught it."

Oh yeah sorry I say smiling my names George!

"Hey George mind if I call you Gogy" he says while smirking at me.

Not if you give me that face a blurt out laughing.

Um why am I laughing comon George you barely know him.

I guess I should let him know that he could stay.

Oh yeah I guess you can stay how long are you planning on staying?

"I guess until you kick me out?" He says while giggling.

Wow he's actually pretty cute..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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