Chapter Twelve: Kaller

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"You ready for some more action Cassi?" Wrecker nudged the Jedi with his shoulder and laughed.

"The question is," Cass paused to open the door, the wind and cold immediately hitting her face, "are you ready to keep up?"

Cass was feeling newly refreshed and invigorated when she dove out of she ship, and she landed swiftly against the compacted snow. She drew her lightsaber from her side and began deflecting blasts, clearing a path for Tech to land.

"Oh yeah!" Wrecker laughed and jumped, landing loudly against the top of the MTT below.

As Cass continued slashing droids and drawing them away from the open ground, she raised her wrist comm to her lips.

"Tech! Land here!" she called out over the sound of blaster fire and the roar of the Marauder's engine.

"Copy that," he answered and quickly landed, allowing Hunter, Echo, and Tech to rush out and begin fighting. Crosshair climbed to the top of the ship to get a better vantage point.

Hunter flipped his knife from his armor and danced around the droids, stabbing and slicing with deadly force. Back to back with Hunter, Echo offered backup for Hunter's close-range attacks. Crosshair sniped the droids with extreme precision, always hitting the droids dead center of their heads.

"Back up!" Tech yelled and rolled an EMP towards the hoard of droids.

The group retreated briefly to avoid the ion blast. Wrecker laughed in triumph and raised a fist when the group of battle droids deactivated. A smaller AAT began to turn its blaster towards Crosshair, who still had his eye to his sniper scope.

"Crosshair!" Cass yelled and raised a hand, throwing the trooper into the air and out of the way of the shot. Cass held him safely above their heads, while Crosshair spun to his other side and shot an ion pulse at the canon. The blaster buzzed with a blue light, then powered down. Cass lowered Crosshair and he landed beside her. He nodded appreciatively and watched as Hunter jumped inside another tank. Droid voices yelped while he took down the last few droids that were manning the transport. Just as quickly as he hopped in, he was already exiting the ship. He pocketed his knife and rejoined the group, glancing around proudly at the droid carcasses scattered through the frost.

"Getting saved by a Jedi again...just like Geonosis, huh Crosshair?" Hunter smirked and Crosshair scowled.

"Will I ever get to learn what the hell happened on Geonosis?" Cass laughed and wiped the sweat from her brow.

The boys all laughed together, except Crosshair of course, who would never live down the event and despised every time it was brought up.

"Wow," a small voice came from the crest of the hill.

The squad turned to see a small boy watching them with awe, an impressed smile plastered on his face.

"Caleb?" Cass stashed her lightsaber and came forward.

"Cass?" the boy shuffled towards the older Jedi and hugged her. She patted his head with a smile and pulled away.

"It's been a while," she confessed. "You still causing trouble?"

"Always," he chuckled. "Who are these guys?"

"This is clone force ninety-nine," she gestured to the men beside her, and named them off.

"It's great to meet clones like you, you guys are something special."

"Thanks kid," Echo nodded.

"Anyways, we can talk later but we need your help on the other side of the mountain. Master Billaba is down there with our troops and we need help."

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