Chapter Twenty Eight: Shuldene

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"Never thought I'd see the day," Echo hummed from the entry.

"Oh don't get all weepy on me now," Cass teased and quirked one corner of her mouth.

"I'm talkin' about Tech," Echo chuckled and pointed a finger at his brother. "I was so sure he'd internally combust or fry a circuit."

"I am still quite close to that point, I would not discount it just yet," Tech retorted with his index raised.

Cass shook her head and stifled a laugh. She then brought her attention to the corner of her eye, where the sergeant was watching thoughtfully.

"It's about damn time," Hunter murmured and his acute smile made a rare appearance.

"Yeah! About damn time!" Omega cheered and scrunched her nose proudly.

"Omega!" Hunter scolded curtly and Omega bowed her head, but never let the cheerful grin leave her lips.

"No no, she's right," Cass corrected and tilted her head. "Apparently I heard you all were eagerly waiting for this to happen...something about a bet?"

The boys all tensed up and Omega pursed her lips. Hunter sighed deeply and peered at his feet. "It was just for fun, we didn't mean to-"

"Hunter, it's fine. I'm not mad," Cass hindered his apology. "Honestly, I'm a little offended I wasn't offered to join."

Hunter's shoulders relaxed and Wrecker blew out a breath of relief. Tech squinted and glanced at the Jedi incredulously.

"I'm just joking," Cass shrugged innocently at the engineer and wrung her hands together. "Although...I might have made a move sooner if I knew I would win."

Tech scrunched his brows and adjusted his goggles. He leaned in and bowed closer to her ear.

"That...was a joke too...right?" Tech whispered.

Cass curled in her lips and laughed airily. She nodded and reassured him with an amused 'yes'.

Tech leaned away and straightened his posture with a hint of pride. Cass rolled her eyes playfully, then motioned towards Omega.

The child scurried over to the Jedi and was scooped up into Cass' arms. Cass rested Omega at her hip and wrapped her arms around Omega's lower back for support.

"So where to, captain?" Cass grinned and playfully blew Omega's bangs off her forehead to clear the child's eye line. Omega giggled and assisted her by tucking her hair behind her ears.

Omega shrugged and wrapped a lilac curl around her finger. "I don't know...there's so many places I wanna go I can't decide."

"Okay well...what are some things you've always wanted to do? Maybe something you read in a book or heard from your brothers?"

Cass plunked onto the lower bunk and readjusted for Omega to sit on her lap. Omega hummed as she contemplated, enthusiastic to make her daydreams a reality.

"I've always wanted to meet a Wookiee, Kashyyyk seems like a beautiful planet to visit," Omega disclosed with a starry-eyed tone.

"Perhaps it was before the Empire took over," Tech informed as he typed on his data pad. "The Empire has already blockaded the planet and many of the Wookiee species have been incarcerated."

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