Chapter 22

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I sat in front of the bus yawning. Not everyone was here yet so we had to wait before loading the bus. It was so early. Bakugo, Shoto, and I all arrived at the same time but they were both so quiet. I leaned over on Shoto bored. 

"N/n what are you doing?" He asked. 

"I'm bored Shoto," I complained my head falling into his lap and I looked up at him. 

"Well I can't do anything about that," Shoto said and I sighed. 

I looked over at Bakugo who was looking the opposite direction. I got off of Shoto and leaned over onto Bakugo's lap. 

"Flames what the hell are you doing?" He asked 

"I'm bored," I complained looking up at him," I was hoping to have entertainment from you."

"Well it's not my job to entertain you," He closed his eyes leaning back. 

"Yes it is," I said getting up and flicking his head. 

His eyes shot open. He stood up and leaned over me. I could see a plan forming in his mind. I tried getting away before anything happened but I failed. He grabbed my wrist preventing me from running away. I looked back at him and he had no expression on his face. He pulled me back and in one swift motion he lifted me up. 

I yelped in surprise. I was hung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. It was like I weighed nothing. 

I hit his back a few times not able to get out of his grip," Katsuki put me down."

"Nope," Bakugo said," And don't call me that."

"Ugh fine, your majesty," I said going limp," but can you at least make it more comfortable for me."

He didn't listen. Instead he used his free arm to shoot us up into the air. I gripped onto his shirt tightly not wanting to fall. I'm pretty sure I let out a small scream. My eyes were clenched close. 

"Katsuki what the hell?" I yelled slightly opening my eyes. 

"You wanted entertainment," He said as we gradually fell back down to the ground. 

"Not what I meant," I said closing my eyes again. 

I felt him land on the ground and I opened my eyes again. I unclenched my hands from his shirt. He dropped me off his shoulder and I landed with a thud. I glared at him as I pushed myself off the ground. I brushed off the dirt that was now on me. 

"I hate you," I said and now everyone was showing up. 

I felt an arm go around my shoulder and I looked over," Hi Pebble."

"Hi?" I said confused by the nickname," Pebble?"

"Yes I think it suits you," I nodded looking over at everyone who had now gathered. 

Iida was already taking charge making sure everyone had what they needed. After he made sure everyone had everything he allowed us to get on the bus. Mr. Aizawa was already on the bus which didn't surprise me. Before I got on I looked over at Bakugo. He looked upset about something. 

Kirishima finally removed his arm from my shoulder so I could get on the bus. I ended up sitting next to Bakugo. Kirishima, and Denki were across from us and Mina and Sero were sitting with Jirou in the seats behind us. I looked out the window as the bus started moving. 

Kirishima and Denki were having their own conversation and Bakugo and I were quiet. I looked back at everyone. I watched as Denki and Kirishima talked about what they wanted their special move to be. Slowly though I got sleepy. I felt my eyes close and I drifted off to sleep. 

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